Slides and code for my talk on Zig at Bologna JS.
I gave a similar presentation at That presentation was more focused on the Zig C-interop, this presentation focuses on how to use Zig in a JS project. Moe precisely, in this presentation I talked about:
- Why Zig might be interesting for a JS developer. And why it could more interesting than other compiled languages (e.g. C, C++, Rust).
- Features that Zig decides to leave out of the language, and why.
- Building a project: JS vs Zig.
- Error handling: JS vs Zig.
- How to develop hybrid JS/Zig projects (for the browser, Node.js, and for other runtimes).
- How to use Zig libraries, and the Zig package manager.
The presentation is available online:
In alternative, you can download the slides as a PDF:
If you want to run the presentation locally or modify it, follow the instructions below.
This presentation is a Vue.js application built with Slidev. You can install its dependencies with the following command:
npm install
Slidev can hot-code reload this presentation thanks to Vite. Zig cannot yet do it, but as a workaround we can list all zig source files and use entr to watch them for changes.
Launch the Vite dev server and re-compile all WebAssembly modules with this command:
npm run dev
You can now view the presentation on localhost:
- Play mode: http://localhost:3030/1
- Presenter mode: http://localhost:3030/presenter/1
The presentation will be automatically deployed to Vercel on each git push
ℹ️ Since the zig compiler is not available on Vercel, and since I don't want to download it on each deployment, I rely on a pre-push git hook to build all WebAssembly modules locally. All files that end up in
will be hosted as static files on Vercel. I'm not sure whether it is possible to push the.wasm
modules to Vercel without tracking them in git. I tried to ignore them in the.gitignore
and unignore them in the.vercelignore
, but that didn't work.
Slidev allows exporting the slides to a PDF. This feature relies on Playwright and requires playwright-chromium to be available.
ℹ️ Since I don't want to install Playwright when building on Vercel (so deployments are faster), I declare
as a dev dependency and setnpm install --omit=dev
as the VercelinstallCommand
Run this command to export the presentation to assets/zig-bolognajs.pdf
and the notes to assets/zig-bolognajs-notes.pdf
npm run build:pdf