Releases: jachguate/jachLogMgr
Version 2.4
Bugs fixed
- The log to disk was losing exactly one character when the data has no spaces and the remaining of the line is just one character greater than the maximum line length
- Verbosity level filter was not working at writer level when UseSeparateThreadToWrite is set
- Log output to various destinations date was using ':' to separate milliseconds and it's now using '.'
- Writer objects now have a friendly name property
- A method to get a copy of the registered writers list was added. This allows to build user friendly configuration interfaces for the logging system
- Base class for writers to database tables was added
- Base class for writers to database tables using DBExpress was added
Other minor enhancements. For a complete list see the Full Changelog: v2.3...v2.4
Verision 2.3
- Now up to 256 topics are supported
- ToVCLRichEdit Writer
- Property MaxMillisecondsAddingMessages added to limit the time adding messages to the control, to allow the UI keep responsive during high load periods
- Auto Scrolling to show the new added lines enhaced
- AutoCapLineCountThreshold/AutoCapLineCountStays properties added to limit the line count that is maintained in memory for the RichEdit so long running applications/high load periods doesn't end up eating all memory or slowing down to death because too much lines
- Debug Verbosity
- By project control of flexibility on Topics and verbosity
Other minor enhacments. For a complete list, follow the link at the bottom.
- Bug fixed: The Mega Demo main form is leaking memory
Check the Full Changelog: v2.2...v2.3
Verision 2.2
Bugs fixed
- Sometimes an access violation is thrown when setting the UseSeparateThreadToWrite property to False
- FMXMemo writer: CachedLogWrite Begin/End messages appear together
- Add support to have IsCached and UseSeparateThreadToWrite properties set to True at the same time
- Allow to deactivate the entire log
- Free the jachLog instance at the last possible moment
- Disk writer: Allow to configure the number of files to keep when log rotates
Other minor enhacments. For a complete list, follow the link at the bottom.
The new multi-platform demo MegaDemo was added to show all the features in a single demo. For now it is compiled and tested only in Windows, but being FMX based it will be compiled and tested in all the supported platforms in the future.
Check the Full Changelog: v2.1...v2.2
Version 2.1
To simplify the usage of the library, the ujachLogClasses
unit was deprecated. All the types and definitions it contained were moved (back) to the ujachLogMgr unit along with the global variable jachLog
that was previously declared in the ujachLogAuto
Minor fixes were applied to the library and demos.
New log destinations available to show the log output in GUI applications (VCL via TRichEdit and FMX via TMemo).
New demos FMXDesktopGUI and VCLDesktopGUI shows how to link visual controls to show the log output in real time.
Full Changelog: v2.01...v2.1
Version 2.01
This is a minor release
Release notes:
- Memory leak corrected when the log object is freed with the UseSeparateThreadToWrite property set to True.
- Adjustments to prevent errors on Multithreaded writing.
- Demos folder got reorganized by category, some demos where renamed and added
Version 2.0
This is the initial version 2.0 release.
The library will get updated and will add new features during the 2022 to get to the version 3 on the winter, which will complete the set of planned features.