is a DeePMD-kit plugin for various graph neural network (GNN) models, which connects DeePMD-kit and atomistic GNN packages by enabling GNN models in DeePMD-kit.
Supported packages and models include:
After installing the plugin, you can train the GNN models using DeePMD-kit, run active learning cycles for the GNN models using DP-GEN, perform simulations with the MACE model using molecular dynamic packages supported by DeePMD-kit, such as LAMMPS and AMBER. You can follow DeePMD-kit documentation to train the GNN models using its PyTorch backend, after using the specific model parameters.
First, clone this repository:
git clone
cd deepmd-gnn
Python 3.9 or above is required. A C++ compiler that supports C++ 14 (for PyTorch 2.0) or C++ 17 (for PyTorch 2.1 or above) is required.
Assume you have installed DeePMD-kit (v3.0.0b2 or above) and PyTorch in an environment, then execute
# expose PyTorch CMake modules
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(python -c "import torch;print(torch.utils.cmake_prefix_path)")
pip install .
DeePMD-kit version should be v3.0.0b4 or later.
Follow DeePMD-kit documentation to install DeePMD-kit C++ interface with PyTorch backend support and other related MD packages. After that, you can build the plugin
# Assume libtorch has been contained in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake .. -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/prefix/to/install
cmake --build . -j8
cmake --install .
will be installed into the directory you assign.
When using any DeePMD-kit C++ interface, set the following environment variable in advance:
export DP_PLUGIN_PATH=/prefix/to/install/lib/
Follow Parameters section to prepare a DeePMD-kit input file.
dp --pt train input.json
dp --pt freeze
A frozen model file named frozen_model.pth
will be generated. You can use it in the MD packages or other interfaces.
For details, follow DeePMD-kit documentation.
To use the MACE model, set "type": "mace"
in the model
section of the training script.
Below is default values for the MACE model, most of which follows default values in the MACE package:
"model": {
"type": "mace",
"type_map": [
"r_max": 5.0,
"sel": "auto",
"num_radial_basis": 8,
"num_cutoff_basis": 5,
"max_ell": 3,
"interaction": "RealAgnosticResidualInteractionBlock",
"num_interactions": 2,
"hidden_irreps": "128x0e + 128x1o",
"pair_repulsion": false,
"distance_transform": "None",
"correlation": 3,
"gate": "silu",
"MLP_irreps": "16x0e",
"radial_type": "bessel",
"radial_MLP": [64, 64, 64],
"std": 1.0,
"precision": "float32"
"model": {
"type": "nequip",
"type_map": [
"r_max": 5.0,
"sel": "auto",
"num_layers": 4,
"l_max": 2,
"num_features": 32,
"nonlinearity_type": "gate",
"parity": true,
"num_basis": 8,
"BesselBasis_trainable": true,
"PolynomialCutoff_p": 6,
"invariant_layers": 2,
"invariant_neurons": 64,
"use_sc": true,
"irreps_edge_sh": "0e + 1e",
"feature_irreps_hidden": "32x0o + 32x0e + 32x1o + 32x1e",
"chemical_embedding_irreps_out": "32x0e",
"conv_to_output_hidden_irreps_out": "16x0e",
"precision": "float32"
In deepmd-gnn
, the GNN model can be used in a DPRc way.
Type maps that starts with m
(such as mH
) or OW
or HW
will be recognized as MM types.
Two MM atoms will not build edges with each other.
Such GNN+DPRc model can be directly used in AmberTools24.