Top posts are stored in issues. You can subscribe by watching this repo or via RSS.
Email and other ways to subscirbe updates are still under development, you can join the mailing list to get notified.
- A script fetches top posts on hackernews every day
- It opens an issue on this repo and store the headlines
- People can subscribe to new issue via by watching this repo or via RSS
- Algolia for the hacker news API
- RSSHub for generating RSS file from issues
- Feeds.Pub for hosting the RSS feed
- github-trending-repos for inspiration
We at build open source headline collectors, if you are interested in writing an headline collector and join this orgnization, feel free to join our telegram group
琚致远 | Bytebase | Madao | SecondState
Updated at Sat Mar 01 2025 01:08:01 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)