- Motion: fix to ignore press event when button is disabled
- TanStack Query: fix queryOptions with initialData to work on useSuspenseQueries
- TanStack Query: make error to be shown when using queryOptions with initialData and skipToken in queryFn inside useSuspenseQueries
- TanStack Query: fix inferring data as | undefined when using initialData without queryFn
- TanStack Query: prevent type errors and improve inference for dynamic queries on useQueries, useSuspenseQueries and createQueries
- TanStack Query: fix type breaking when using useSuspenseQueries with spreaded queryOptions
- es-hangul: modify numberToHangulMixed and numberToHangul to handle decimals, negatives, and infinity
- Korea University (고려대학교)
- Gyeonggi Science High School for the Gifted (과학영재학교 경기과학고등학교)
- 2024 ICPC Asia Pacific Championship Contestant