The SearchInApps API allows apps to get Google related search suggestions and trending searches. These apps provide fully functional examples of integrating with the SearchInApps SDK.
Clone this project to your workstation using a git client. You can use the instructions from GitHub if you need guidance.
The Android projects use the Gradle build system. To build this project, use the
gradlew build
command or use "Import Project" in Android Studio.
For more resources on learning Android development, visit the Developer Guides at
The iOS projects are Xcode projects that use cocoapods for package dependency.
For more resources on learning iOS development, visit Apple's documentation at
The sample apps need a client id and api key to work. Please follow the SearchInApps Android SDK developer guide or SearchInApps iOS SDK developer guide to get your client id and api key.
For Android, insert the client id and api key into the sample apps' AndroidManifest.xml file, for iOS insert it into the project's Info.plist.
The Android View sample application is contained in the view/ directory. It is written fully in Java. The detailed information about the SearchInApps SDK's Java classes can be found here.
The Jetpack Compose sample application is contained in the compose/ directory. It is written fully in Kotlin. The detailed information about the SearchInApps SDK's Kotlin classes can be found here.
The SwiftUI sample application is contained in the swiftui/ directory. The detailed information about the SearchInApps SDK's Swift classes can be found here.
Please report issues with this sample in this project's issues page: