Welcome to the Data Structures repository! This repository houses useful code examples for the textbook "数据结构:思想 与 实现(第2 版)," which is used in SJTU's cs0501-Data Structures course.
Here's what you can find in this repository:
This folder contains basic data structure implementations such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, and queues. These implementations can serve as a reference for understanding how these data structures work.
Here you will find examples of how to solve common coding problems using various data structures. These examples can help you learn how to apply data structures to solve real-world problems.
If you're enrolled in SJTU's cs0501-Data Structures course, these implementations can serve as reference material to help you with your homework exercises.
The lab exercise implementations provide examples of how to apply the concepts learned in class to real-world scenarios. These exercises can help students solidify their understanding of data structures and their applications.
We hope that the code examples in this repository will be helpful to you in your studies. Happy coding!