- clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/geneontology/go-fastapi
- install requirements into a virtual environment
poetry install
- start the API server
make start
- run the tests
make test
Note: tests will run with or without a functioning server locally.
- build the docker image
docker build -t geneontology/go-fastapi .
- run the docker image
tells docker to run the image in the background (the image includes a command to start the API), so this
will run the image and start the API server but give the control of the terminal back to the local user.
tells docker to map the container port 8080 to the host port 8080. This way the user can access the API docker
version of the running API from their local browser via:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name go-fastapi geneontology/go-fastapi
To remove images and containers:
docker rm -vf $(docker ps -aq)
(removes all local images)
docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)
(removes all local containers)
Check the port mapping:
docker port go-fastapi
(see the port mapping)
- checkout and build the API code locally
This should result in a locally running API server on port 8081 (note the port difference from the docker version)
git clone https://github.com/geneontology/go-fastapi
cd go-fastapi
make dev
localhost:8081/docs will be available for testing the API locally if the commands above are successful.
- make a change to the API code
- test the API changes
make test
- rebuild the docker image with the changed code
docker build -t geneontology/go-fastapi .
- test the rebuilt docker image
docker run -i -t --name geneontology/go-fastapi -p 8080:8080 geneontology/go-fastapi bash
make start
make test
- ssh into the AWS instance running the docker container, invade the image and git pull the changes total downtime for this process is about 5 minutes!
ssh -i [path/to/pem/key/locally] ubuntu@[aws.instance.public.ip.address]
sudo docker stop geneontology/go-fastapi
sudo docker rm geneontology/go-fastapi
sudo docker image rm geneontology/go-fastapi
cd go-fastapi
git pull
sudo docker build -t geneontology/go-fastapi .
sudo docker run -d -p 8080:8080 geneontology/go-fastapi
- stop the running api from inside the docker container
sudo pkill gunicorn
this will stop the running docker container and push you back into the AWS instance itself.
- restart the image
This automatically restarts the API server by running
make start
in the docker container.
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 geneontology/go-fastapi
GitHub Actions will automatically build and push the docker image to Dockerhub when a new versioned tag is created. To do this manually, run the following commands, replacing [tag_name] with the tag or version number:
docker login
docker build -t geneontology/go-fastapi .
docker tag geneontology/go-fastapi:latest geneontology/go-fastapi:[tag_name]
docker push geneontology/go-fastapi:[tag_name]
- create a go-fastapi release using the GitHub UI and semantic versioning.
- wait for the GitHub action to build and push the docker image to Dockerhub.
- ssh into the AWS instance running the docker container, pull the new image and restart the container.
ssh -i [path/to/pem/key/locally] ubuntu@[aws.instance.public.ip.address]
sudo docker pull geneontology/go-fastapi:latest
sudo docker stop geneontology/go-fastapi
sudo docker rm geneontology/go-fastapi
sudo docker run -d -p 8080:8080 geneontology/go-fastapi
- Golr: "https://golr.geneontology.org/solr/"
- GO RDF endpoint: "https://rdf.geneontology.org/sparql"
- precomputed JSON files for GO-CAM models: "https://go-public.s3.amazonaws.com/files/go-cam/[model_id].json"
All three sources are regenerated via the GO Pipeline and will return stable results for a given release. The Pipeline goes through a complex process of generating the JSON files from the GO-CAM models, including spinning up a local RDF endpoint (from the regenerating blazegraph journal), and a copy of the api-gorest-2021 codebase. It then calls several endpoints from the api-gorest-2021 codebase that return JSON files that it then stores in the S3 bucket. The Pipeline then spins down the local RDF endpoint and api-gorest-2021 codebase. The api-gorest-2021 codebase is effectively obsolete (replaced by api-gorest-2023 and eventually by this API - the endpoints in api-gorest-2021 and api-gorest-2023 are all replaced by endpoints recreated in this codebase, but as of 10/19/2023, the pipeline still depends on api-gorest-2021 to generate the JSON files for the GO-CAM models).