Embed a badge in your repository's README
that reflects the status of the latest build in Cloud Build:
Deploy a Google Cloud Function to auto-update your repository's badge. The function subscribes to events published by Cloud Build. The events contain information on the status of the progress and completion of a build. The function copies a badge reflecting that status to a known URL, which can be hard-coded in a repository README
It's assumed you've already integrated your repository with Cloud Build. If not, the instructions for doing so are here.
The function supports the following integrations:
- Cloud Build Github App
- Github (mirrored)
- Bitbucket Cloud (mirrored)
- Cloud Source Repositories
You'll need a Cloud Storage bucket in which to store the badges (it's a good idea to prefix the name of the bucket with your Cloud project name, to ensure it's unique):
gsutil mb gs://${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}-badges/
Next enable anyone on the internet to be able to read the badges (necessary if you're going to embed them in your README).
gsutil defacl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}-badges/
Then upload the pre-generated badges in ./badges
to the bucket. Ensure they go into a directory on the bucket named badges/
. Disable caching to ensure the latest updates to a badge are visible to end-users.
gsutil -m -h "Cache-Control:no-cache,max-age=0" \
cp ./badges/*.svg gs://${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}-badges/badges/
Note: the -m
flag uploads the badges in parallel, speeding it up.
Create a new service account for use by the Cloud Function:
gcloud iam service-accounts create cloud-build-badge
Grant permissions to read and write to the bucket:
gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:cloud-build-badge@${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}.iam.gserviceaccount.com:legacyObjectReader,legacyBucketWriter gs://${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}-badges/
You can customise the path in the bucket at which the badge gets published, using a template string. The default is:
Where ${repo}
and ${branch}
refer to the name of the repository and branch that triggered the build. Only these two variables are available.
Set the environment variable TEMPLATE_PATH
accordingly when deploying the function in the next step.
Deploy the function:
gcloud functions deploy cloud-build-badge \
--source . \
--runtime python37 \
--entry-point build_badge \
--service-account cloud-build-badge@${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}.iam.gserviceaccount.com \
--trigger-topic=cloud-builds \
--set-env-vars BADGES_BUCKET=${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}-badges,TEMPLATE_PATH='builds/${repo}/branches/${branch}.svg'
Embed the badge in your README, replacing ${repo}
and ${branch}
with the name of your repository and the branch you want to show the latest status for:

If you've customised the path using TEMPLATE_PATH
, ensure it is reflected in the URL above.
Now trigger a build in Cloud Build (e.g. by pushing a commit, or directly via the Google Cloud console). You should see the badge update to reflect the build status.
There is a make
task for running integration tests against the deployed function:
make integration
Ensure the following environment variables are set first:
: the name of the bucket containing the badges