- clone the repository
mkdir -p ${GOPATH:-$HOME/go}/src/github.com/FusionFoundation
cd ${GOPATH:-$HOME/go}/src/github.com/FusionFoundation
git clone https://github.com/fsn-dev/fsn-go-sdk.git
cd fsn-go-sdk
- build project
# set env GOPROXY if you can't get packages from golang.org
export GOPROXY=https://goproxy.io
make fsn-cli (take `fsn-cli` as example here)
- run project
./bin/fsn-cli (take `fsn-cli` as example here)
- please make a new top level directory for each new project
- please provide
help information
for each command and sub-commands - please run
make fmt
to format codes before committing - please run
./scripts/add-license.sh <newfile>
to add lincense for new files
efsn -- fusion base code
import from
fsnapi -- supply API to build and sign transaction, etc.
bin -- binary output directory
scripts -- scripts used to manage project
build.sh -- build specified projects
gofmt.sh -- format*.go
add-license.sh -- add LICENSE content to the file header