Koreografeye is a choreography / orchestration engine for linked data services using Notation3 (N3) rule engines such as EYE.
Koreografeye was created to facilitate automated processes against Solid pods. Our main use case is monitoring the LDN Inbox of Solid Pods for new notifications and running scripts when new data arrives.
Create a project directory.
mkdir demo
cd demo
Add the koreografeye
dependency (and solid-bashlib
in case you want to monitor private Solid resources).
npm install koreografeye
npm install solid-bashlib
Create input, output and rules directories.
mkdir input output rules
Put a demo.jsonld
AS2 notification in the input
"@context": [
"id": "urn:uuid:0370c0fb-bb78-4a9b-87f5-bed307a509dd",
"type": "Offer",
"actor": {
"id": "https://mypod.org/profile/card#me",
"name": "Freddy Test",
"type": "Person"
"object": "https://research-organisation.org/repository/preprint/201203/421/"
Create a demo.n3
N3 rule file in the rules
@prefix ex: <http://example.org/> .
@prefix as: <https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#> .
@prefix pol: <https://www.example.org/ns/policy#> .
@prefix fno: <https://w3id.org/function/ontology#> .
# if we get an offer
?id a as:Offer .
?id as:actor ?actor .
# Send an accept notification to an LDN inbox
ex:MySendNotificationDemo pol:policy ex:MySendNotificationDemoExecution.
a fno:Execution ;
fno:executes ex:sendNotification ;
ex:to <http://httpbin.org/post> ;
ex:notification ex:MyNotification .
a as:Accept ;
as:inReplyTo ?id ;
as:actor <http://my.service.edu/profile/card#me> ;
as:object ?id .
The orch
command will take the input data and use the N3 rules to decide what to do with the data. No actions are taken yet. These will be done by the pol
npx orch --info --keep --in input --out output rules/demo.n3
The processed notifications will end up in the output
The pol
command will take the output of the orch
command and execute the requested
policies defined with the N3 rules.
npx pol --info --keep --in output
The result will be an AS2 that is send to the http://httpbin.org/post
Using Koreografeye plugins you can experiment with:
- Sending emails
- Sending notifications
- Sending push messages to your phone
- Updating Solid Pods
- Sending toot messages to a Mastodon account
Check the Git repository https://github.com/eyereasoner/Koreografeye for more examples.
We use the Bashlib to monitor remote Solid LDN inboxes for new notification.
E.g. move the contents of your inbox to the input
npx sld mv https://yourpod.org/inbox/ input/
This assumes you have an authenticated Bashlib session. Use the bashlib auth create-token
command to create a token for the CSS Solid pod.
One can also use JavaScript to execute the orch
and pol
const {
} = require('koreografeye');
async function main() {
const config = './config/config.jsonld';
const inputData = './input/demo.jsonld';
const inputRules = './rules/demo.n3';
// Read the input graph as an N3 store
const store = await parseAsN3Store(inputData);
// Read the N3 rules as an array of strings
const rules = [readText(inputRules)];
// Load the components we need for reasoning
const manager = await makeComponentsManager(config,'.');
// Get a reasoner
const reasoner = await manager.instantiate('urn:koreografeye:reasonerInstance');
// Execute the reasoner (orch)
const resultStore = await reasoner.reason(store, rules);
// Execute the policies (pol)
const results = await executePolicies(manager, resultStore);
if (results) {
let success = 0;
let errors = 0;
results?.forEach( (r) => {
if (r.result) { success += 1; }
else { errors += 1; }
console.log(`success: ${success} ; errors: ${errors}`);
else {
console.log(`no policies executed`);
Run this code with:
node demo.js
Run the orchstrator with one or more N3 rule files on an input directory of notifications.
bin/orch [options] rule [rule ...]
- --config file : orchestrator configuration file
- --in directory : directory with input notifications
- --out directory : directory with orchestrator output
- --err directory : directory with failed notifications
- --single file : process only a single file
- --keep : keep the --in data (don't delete after processing)
- --info : verbose messages
- --debug : debug messages
- --trace : trace messages
Run a policy executor on one of the output files of the orchestrator
bin/pol [options]
- --config file : orchestrator configuration file
- --in directory : directory with input notifications
- --out directory : directory with orchestrator output
- --err directory : directory with failed notifications
- --single file : process only a single file
- --keep : keep the --in data (don't delete after processing)
- --info : verbose messages
- --debug : debug messages
- --trace : trace messages
- KoreografeyeDemo : A demonstration koreografeye project
- Koreografeye-Plugin : A collection of Koreografeye plugins to send emails, update Solid pods, send Mastodon toots, etc...
- OAI-Bridge : A service that turns OAI-PMH services into Event Notifications services
- CitationExtractorService : A service node that extracts citations from PDFs
- Solid-Agent : Koreografeye as part of a rule-based intelligent software agent for Solid pods.