Web-based tool to convert save files from retro game consoles to different formats
Available at https://savefileconverter.com
- PS2 formats (check out https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/536777-suikoden-iii/saves for a potential list)
- GameCube formats (check out https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/gamecube/533008-soulcalibur-ii/saves for a potential list)
If you have questions, need help, or have comments or suggestions, please hop on Discord: https://discord.gg/wtJ7xUKKTR
Or email savefileconverter (at) gmail (dot) com
Everything on this site is free and open source with no advertising. If you find the site helpful and want to donate you can here:
- (GBA) Pizza Boy (support for this emulator has been discontinued) files incompatible with mGBA (believe mGBA uses raw files)
- (PS1) Beetle HW incompatible with DuckStation
- (Saturn) SSF incompatible with Mednafen/Beetle Saturn
- (N64) Mupen64Plus Next files incompatible with Wii64
- (32X) Picodrive has its own save format (somewhere around here? https://github.com/notaz/picodrive/blob/1d366b1ad9362fd463c42979c8a687dfc7f46c46/platform/common/emu.c#L873)
- Retron5
- GameShark (GBA)
- (partial): https://gbatemp.net/threads/converting-gsv-or-sps-files-to-sav.51838/#post-664786
- (reading): https://github.com/visualboyadvance-m/visualboyadvance-m/blob/master/src/gba/GBA.cpp#L1025
- (writing): https://github.com/visualboyadvance-m/visualboyadvance-m/blob/master/src/gba/GBA.cpp#L1146
- (partial): https://github.com/mgba-emu/mgba/blob/master/src/gba/sharkport.c
- GameShark SP (GBA)
- GameShark (PS2)
- PS2
- Description of PS2 save data: https://babyno.top/en/posts/2023/09/parsing-ps2-memcard-file-system/
- Parsing PS2 save data: https://babyno.top/en/posts/2023/09/exporting-file-from-ps2-memcard/
- Parser with 3D icon viewer: https://github.com/caol64/ps2mc-browser
- Save Tools: https://www.ps2savetools.com/
- mymc save tool:
- http://www.csclub.uwaterloo.ca:11068/mymc/
- https://github.com/ps2dev/mymc
- https://git.sr.ht/~thestr4ng3r/mymcplus (port of mymc with some enhancements)
- Memory card format:
- http://www.csclub.uwaterloo.ca:11068/mymc/ps2mcfs.html
- https://www.ps2savetools.com/ps2memcardformat.html (same info as link above, and that one appears to be newer/more cleaned up)
- Use PS2 files on PS3: https://github.com/bucanero/apollo-ps3
- Convert PS2 formats: https://github.com/bucanero/psv-save-converter
- Manage PS2 memory cards: https://github.com/bucanero/ps2vmc-tool
- Wii Virtual Console save game format (note that the files are encrypted)
- https://wiibrew.org/wiki/Wii_Savegame_Parser
- https://wiibrew.org/wiki/Savegame_Files
- https://wiibrew.org/wiki/FE100
- https://hackmii.com/2008/04/keys-keys-keys/
- https://github.com/Plombo/segher-wii-tools
- (writing) https://github.com/Plombo/segher-wii-tools/blob/master/twintig.c
- https://github.com/Plombo/vcromclaim
- https://github.com/JanErikGunnar/vcromclaim
- Wii U Virtual Console:
- PSP save file decryption/encryption (note that some files require a per-game key):
- KIRK engine reverse-engineering: https://github.com/ProximaV/kirk-engine-full/tree/master
- https://www.psdevwiki.com/ps3/PSP_Savedata
- https://github.com/BrianBTB/SED-PC (PC application that decrypts/encrypts saves)
- https://github.com/cielavenir/psp-savedata-endecrypter (improvement to SED-PC that works with "mode 4" (whatever that is???))
- https://wololo.net/talk/viewtopic.php?t=37556 (PSP plugin that dumps a game's key)
- https://github.com/TheHellcat/psp-hb/blob/master/SavegameDeemer_620TN/deemer_hooker/main.c#L204 Code for a plugin that does this. It intercepts the call to save the game, and writes out a copy of the save in plaintext, plus the key
- https://wololo.net/talk/viewtopic.php?p=137153&sid=37bd385d91e7c2d89cf1ff8d70e8c640#p137153 Discussion saying that you need to either use a plugin, or parse the executable for look for code around a certain system call to figure out what value is being passed to it
- I can't seem to find an online list of game keys, and requiring users to install a plugin on their PSP then type a gamekey into the interface seems like too much to ask.
- https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp PSP emulator
- https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp/blob/master/Tools/SaveTool/decrypt.c This decrypts a savegame file
- https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp/blob/81b5e080ff885e98b5761632158457ce3e5d1fb5/Core/HLE/sceKernelModule.cpp#L1251 The code before here decrypts the executable
- https://github.com/euan-forrester/psp-encryption-webassembly Copy of the relevant code in PPSSPP, compiled into webassembly
- For Gran Turismo the game key is device-specific. Must be generated somehow from a device ID. So can't find it in the executable.
- So we still need a box to enter the game key instead of just ISO/eboot
- Maybe detect this ISO and warn the user?
- NES/SNES Classic save game format
- https://github.com/TeamShinkansen/Hakchi2-CE (tool used to write games onto the devices)
- https://github.com/JanErikGunnar/ClassicEditionTools (scripts to convert raw saves to/from NES Classic format)
- http://darkakuma.z-net.us/p/sfromtool.html (convert SNES ROMs and/or saves to the SNES Classic ROM and/or save format)
- I'm not sure there's enough demand for a web-based tool that does this. The devices aren't available for sale anymore and you already have to run a Windows program to transfer the games. Also the Windows tool for the SNES Classic has the ability to convert saves already.
- PS1:
- https://www.psdevwiki.com/ps3/PS1_Savedata
- MemcardRex format: https://github.com/ShendoXT/memcardrex/blob/master/MemcardRex/ps1card.cs
- DexDrive format: https://github.com/ShendoXT/memcardrex/blob/master/MemcardRex/ps1card.cs
- Signing a PSP .VMP file: https://github.com/dots-tb/vita-mcr2vmp
- PS3 format: https://psdevwiki.com/ps3/PS1_Savedata#PS1_Single_Save_.3F_.28.PSV.29
- Command line tool for PS1 memcards: https://github.com/G4Vi/psx_mc_cli
- N64:
- https://github.com/bryc/mempak
- https://bryc.github.io/mempak/ (online preview)
- https://github.com/bryc/mempak/wiki/DexDrive-.N64-format
- https://github.com/bryc/mempak/wiki/MemPak-structure
- https://github.com/heuripedes/pj64tosrm (convert raw save to emulator format)
- http://micro-64.com/database/gamesave.shtml (list of games which use each save type)
- https://www.reddit.com/r/n64/comments/ezhleg/guide_how_to_backup_your_n64_saves_to_your_pc/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpolokImIeU (convert individual note to .eep format)
- https://github.com/ssokolow/saveswap Swap endianness of N64 saves to move between Everdrive/emulators/etc
- https://github.com/Ninjiteu/N64SaveConverter Does endian swaps, padding/trimming of files, and parses retroarch files that store n64 cart saves at various offsets
- https://github.com/drehren/ra_mp64_srm_convert Combines/splits retroarch saves. Also has GUI version: https://github.com/drehren/ramp64-convert-gui and web version: https://github.com/drehren/ramp64-convert-web
- Game serial codes:
- https://github.com/bryc/mempak
- 3DS Virtual Console
- SNES games: https://github.com/manuGMG/3ds-snes-sc
- This tool above apparently works on some WiiU VC games as well: https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-3ds-snes-save-converter.574927/
- Pokemon saves: https://sav2vc.fm1337.com/
- https://github.com/mstan/SaveAIO
- List of emulators on the 3DS: https://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/List_of_3DS_homebrew_emulators
- open_agb_firm: https://github.com/profi200/open_agb_firm allows usage of the build-in GBA hardware
- Save files from here need to be 64-bit endian-swapped to work in a regular emulator: https://github.com/exelotl/gba-eeprom-save-fix
- SNES games: https://github.com/manuGMG/3ds-snes-sc
- Sega Saturn
- https://github.com/hitomi2500/ss-save-parser
- https://github.com/slinga-homebrew/Save-Game-BUP-Scripts (description of the
save format) - https://github.com/slinga-homebrew/Save-Game-Copier
- https://segaxtreme.net/resources/saturn-save-converter.74/
- https://github.com/slinga-homebrew/Save-Game-Extractor (cool, but hopefully not the main method of getting files off of an actual Saturn)
- http://ppcenter.free.fr/satdocs/ST-162-R1-092994.html (official documentation)
- https://segaxtreme.net/threads/backup-memory-structure.16803/
- Saroo:
- https://github.com/tpunix/SAROO/tree/master/tools/savetool (SAROO save file converter)
- tpunix/SAROO#131 (description of how the saroo deals with save files, also watch this for potential changes)
- tpunix/SAROO#117 (description of current process of copying save files to saroo)
- https://www.reddit.com/r/SegaSaturn/comments/1acty0v/saroo_save_file_format/ (information on the saroo file format, tools, and example files)
- Potential save formats (based on what Saturn Save Converter does):
- These ones to initially support:
- BUP (is this the standardized format? Used by Psuedo Saturn Kai -> this is the tool used by ODEs as well?)
- SaroSave (Saroo flash cart)
- https://github.com/tpunix/SAROO/blob/master/tools/savetool/sr_bup.c#L135
- https://github.com/tpunix/SAROO/blob/6f6e18289bbdc9b23b4c91b9da343a1362ed921c/doc/SAROO%E6%8A%80%E6%9C%AF%E7%82%B9%E6%BB%B4.txt#L448 (translation posted at https://www.reddit.com/r/SegaSaturn/comments/1acty0v/comment/kjz73ft/)
- Mednafen - generates 3 files:
: Internal save memory? Appears to be described here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SegaSaturn/comments/1acty0v/comment/kjz73ft/.bcr
: Cartridge save memory? Compressed with gzip, then as described in link above but with bigger block size: https://www.reddit.com/r/RetroArch/comments/wke28j/comment/ijmw25t/.smpc
: System management data, including clock information: https://docs.exodusemulator.com/Archives/SSDDV25/segahtml/index.html?page=hard/smpc/index.htm
- These ones to maybe support based on feedback:
- SSF (SSF emulator: https://segaretro.org/SSF)
- Yabause (https://yabause.org/ -- seems old, Kronos is a newer fork: https://github.com/FCare/Kronos)
- Giri Giri
- Nova
- Action Replay (https://github.com/hitomi2500/ss-save-parser/blob/master/config.cpp#L26)
- Druid II (https://github.com/hitomi2500/ss-save-parser/blob/master/config.cpp#L59)
- These ones to initially support:
- TG-16/PCE:
- Gamecube
- https://github.com/bodgit/gc
- https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX (Save editor for Pokemon games. Can apparently parse GCN files among others. Needs a closer look)
- Flash carts:
- Goomba emulator (for GB/C games on GBA flash cart)
- https://github.com/libertyernie/goombasav (save converter)
- https://github.com/masterhou/goombacolor/blob/master/src/sram.c
- https://www.reddit.com/r/everdrive/comments/qcgus7/using_a_gba_x5_goomba_sram_save_file_on_a_gbc_x7/****
- It seems that uncompressed save data may be available at
rather than0xe000
? Was there a bug in Goomba Save Converter?
- N64 Everdrive
- Goomba emulator (for GB/C games on GBA flash cart)
- Sega CD:
- https://github.com/superctr/buram/
- Sega operating manuals
- Standards that games were to use when interfacing with backup RAM: https://segaretro.org/images/6/6e/Sega-CD_Software_Standards.pdf
- BIOS calls that games were to use to access backup RAM: https://segaretro.org/images/4/44/MCDBios.pdf
- https://segaretro.org/CD_BackUp_RAM_Cart
- ekeeke/Genesis-Plus-GX#449
- savesplitter tool here: https://krikzz.com/pub/support/mega-everdrive/pro-series/
- Analogue Pocket:
- List of available cores: https://openfpga-cores-inventory.github.io/analogue-pocket/
- Note that there are sometimes multiple cores for a particular platform (e.g. Genesis)
- List of available cores: https://openfpga-cores-inventory.github.io/analogue-pocket/
- Visual Boy Advance emulator
- Explanation of its format: https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Game_Boy_Advance_emulators#Save_formats
- Code that does the conversion:
- Online converter: https://thysbelon.github.io/gbaconv-web/
- Info on some ports of this emulator: https://thysbelon.github.io/2023/03/07/How-to-Convert-4GS-and-DSZ-save-files-to-SAV
- Online emulators
files when unzipped apparently contain one or more pairs of.gba
/etc and.png
file: a save state and a thumbnail- There's a port of Retroarch available online here: https://binbashbanana.github.io/webretro/ with code here: https://github.com/BinBashBanana/webretro . Its save file compatibility is the same as regular Retroarch and the emulators therein
- Retroarch
- Some save files are compressed with ZLIB compression. I'm not sure the circumstances under which this happens: libretro/RetroArch#14031 (comment)
- iOS
- The Delta emulator uses .svs for save states. Instructions for creating a raw save instead: https://www.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/1helbo1/svs_to_sav/
- Retrode2
- Genesis: SRAM/FRAM saves are byte expanded by doubling: "HELLO" becomes "HHEELLLLOO" rather than " H E L L O" like in many emulators/flash carts
- Retroblaster
- Same as Retrode2
Some platforms (e.g. some MiSTer cores) append RTC data to the end of a save file. The above link describes a common format for RTC data.
- Use ghidra:
- Download from: https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra/releases
- Add this extension: https://github.com/kotcrab/ghidra-allegrex
- Add these scripts: https://github.com/pspdev/psp-ghidra-scripts
- Libraries documentation: https://github.com/mathieulh/PSP-PRX-Libraries-Documentation-Project
Occassionally there's a need to use the tool offline, such as when you'll be without an Internet connection for an extended period. There's 2 methods to achieve this:
You can't just right click on the page and select Save As... because the site is divided internally into many different files, and that will only download some of them.
Google website saving tool
or something similar to find an up-to-date list of such tools.
You may need to modify some of these steps depending on your development environment, but this should give you the general idea.
Install homebrew
: https://brew.sh/
brew install yarn
brew install git
Then proceed to the Common section
Find an equivalent package manager to homebrew
, and use it to install git
and yarn
(or install them and their dependencies manually: git
: https://github.com/git-guides/install-git, yarn
: https://yarnpkg.com/getting-started/install)
Then proceed to the Common section
git clone [email protected]:euan-forrester/save-file-converter.git
cd save-file-converter/frontend
yarn install
yarn serve
Then open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.
Note that you'll have to keep the command line window open with yarn serve
running for as long as you want to access the site.
If you need to, you can also access the site via the Internet archive here: https://web.archive.org/web/https://savefileconverter.com/