ReScript client for the Stripe API.
npm install rescript-stripe
The package contains partial bindings for the Stripe NodeJs client.
Please, create a PR if you need something missing.
Describe your Billing as a config and interact with Stripe API with the best DX possible and Git history.
module CourseSubscription = {
type data = {
userId: string,
courseName: string,
courseId: string,
type plan =
| Starter
| Pro({withExtraSeats: bool})
let userId = Stripe.Metadata.ref("user_id", S.string)
let courseId = Stripe.Metadata.ref("course_id", S.string)
let withExtraSeats = Stripe.Metadata.ref("with_extra_seats", S.bool)
let config = {
Stripe.Billing.ref: "course",
data: s => {
userId: s.primary(userId, ~customerLookup=true),
courseId: s.primary(courseId),
courseName: s.matches(S.string),
termsOfServiceConsent: true,
plans: [
s => {
s.tag(withExtraSeats, false)
s => {
withExtraSeats: s.field(withExtraSeats),
products: (~plan, ~data) => {
switch plan {
| Starter => [
name: data.courseName,
ref: `starter_course_${data.courseId}`,
prices: [
ref: `starter_course_${data.courseId}`,
lookupKey: true,
currency: USD,
unitAmountInCents: 10_00,
recurring: Licensed({
interval: Month,
ref: `starter_course_${data.courseId}_yearly`,
lookupKey: true,
currency: USD,
unitAmountInCents: 100_00,
recurring: Licensed({
interval: Year,
| Pro({withExtraSeats}) => [
{ data.courseName,
ref: `pro_course_${data.courseId}`,
prices: [
ref: `pro_course_${data.courseId}`,
lookupKey: true,
currency: USD,
unitAmountInCents: 50_00,
recurring: Licensed({
interval: Month,
ref: `pro_course_${data.courseId}_yearly`,
lookupKey: true,
currency: USD,
unitAmountInCents: 500_00,
recurring: Licensed({
interval: Year,
withExtraSeats ? [
{ data.courseName ++ " Additional Seats",
ref: `pro_course_${data.courseId}_extra_seat`,
unitLabel: "user",
prices: [
ref: `pro_course_${data.courseId}_extra_seat`,
lookupKey: true,
currency: USD,
unitAmountInCents: 10_00,
recurring: Metered({
interval: Month,
ref: `extra_seat`,
ref: `pro_course_${data.courseId}_extra_seat_yearly`,
currency: USD,
unitAmountInCents: 10_00,
recurring: Metered({
interval: Year,
ref: `extra_seat`,
: []
After you described the config, you can use it to interact with Stripe API.
await stripe->Stripe.Billing.createHostedCheckoutSession({
config: CourseSubscription.config,
data: {
userId: "dzakh",
courseId: "rescript-schema-to-the-moon",
courseName: "ReScript Schema to the Moon",
plan: Starter,
interval: Month,
allowPromotionCodes: true,
successUrl: ``,
let customer = await stripe->Stripe.Billing.retrieveCustomer({
userId: "dzakh",
courseId: "rescript-schema-to-the-moon",
courseName: "ReScript Schema to the Moon",
}, ~config=CourseSubscription.config)
let subscription = await stripe->Stripe.Billing.retrieveSubscription({
userId: "dzakh",
courseId: "rescript-schema-to-the-moon",
courseName: "ReScript Schema to the Moon",
}, ~config=CourseSubscription.config)
let {subscription, customer} = await stripe->Stripe.Billing.retrieveSubscriptionWithCustomer({
userId: "dzakh",
courseId: "rescript-schema-to-the-moon",
courseName: "ReScript Schema to the Moon",
}, ~config=CourseSubscription.config)
let userId = subscription->Stripe.Metadata.get(CourseSubscription.userId)
//? string
๐ง This is 100% type safe and works only on subscriptions belonging to the "Course Subscription" config.
โ ๏ธ This requires that all plans have the same set of metadata fields. There's no explicit validation for this yet.
let genericSubscription = await stripe->Stripe.Subscription.retrieve("sub_123")
let userId = subscription->Stripe.Metadata.get(CourseSubscription.userId)
//? Compilation error
subscription->Stripe.Billing.verify(CourseSubscription.config)-> => {
let userId = subscription->Stripe.Metadata.get(CourseSubscription.userId)
//? string
let eventName = subscription->Stripe.Subscription.getMeterEventName(~meterRef="extra_seat")
ReScript Stripe might create multiple meters under the hood, so you need to call the function to get the right meter event name to report usage.
This is done because you can report meter usage per customer, so if a customer has multiple subscriptions, you need to have different meters for each one. ReScript Stripe manages this for you.
let _ =
await stripe->Stripe.Subscription.reportMeterUsage(
let link = stripe->Stripe.CustomerPortal.prefillEmail(~link="", ~email="[email protected]")
Handling a WebHook with rescript-rest and Next.js
let stripe = Stripe.make("sk_test_...")
let route = Rest.route(() => {
path: "/api/stripe/webhook",
method: Post,
input: s => {
"body": s.rawBody(S.string),
"sig": s.header("stripe-signature", S.string),
responses: [
s => {
let _ ={"received": true}))
s => {
// Disable bodyParsing to make Raw Body work
let config: RestNextJs.config = {api: {bodyParser: false}}
let default = RestNextJs.handler(route, async ({input}) => {
// You can find your endpoint's secret in your webhook settings
-> => {
switch event {
| CustomerSubscriptionCreated({data: {object: subscription}}) =>
await processSubscription(subscription)
| _ => ()
let session = await stripe->Stripe.Billing.createHostedCheckoutSession({
config: CourseSubscription.config,
data: {
userId: "dzakh",
courseId: "rescript-schema-to-the-moon",
courseName: "ReScript Schema to the Moon",
plan: Starter,
interval: Year,
allowPromotionCodes: true,
successUrl: ``,
๐ง It'll throw if the subscription already exist ๐ง Customer, products, prices, meters are automatically created when they are not found