Uses dotbot for management.
git clone --recursive [email protected]:drvinceknight/dotfiles.git .dotfiles
cd .dotfiles
Edit the install.conf.yaml
file which maps the .file
to the location of
the file in this repository.
You use oh my zsh
Go get it:
git clone git:// ~/.oh-my-zsh
Change your shell
chsh -s /bin/zsh
On Mac OSX you use homebrew. Here is how you install it:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
### For tmux
You use tmux:
On ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install tmux
On Mac OS X:
brew install tmux
You like a solarized color theme in your terminal:
- On ubuntu you use gnome-terminal-colors-solarized
Use Anaconda. (Trust me).
You (try) to build vim from source:
git clone [email protected]:vim/vim.git
cd vim
./configure --enable-python3interp
sudo make install
You use vundle for your package management so do this to set it up:
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
You use git-remote-dropbox for your private dropbox repositories. You need to get a token from the dropbox "My Apps" section.
git submodule update --remote dotbot