A work-in-progress implementation of the musicXML specification in Swift.
The goal of this project is to allow Swift users to read, manipulate, and write musicXML files in a richly-typed manner on any platform supported by Swift.
Let's construct the "Hello, world!" score example from the musicXML documentation. This musical composition consists of one measure that contains a whole note on middle C, based in 4/4 time.
When rendered graphically, this score example should look something like this:
The musicXML representation looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC
"-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 3.1 Partwise//EN"
<score-partwise version="3.1">
<score-part id="P1">
<part id="P1">
<measure number="1">
To construct the "Hello, world!" example in Swift looks like this:
let note = Note(
pitch: Pitch(step: .c, octave: 4),
duration: 4,
type: .whole
let key = Key(fifths: 0)
let time = Time(4,4)
let clef = Clef(sign: .g, line: 2)
let attributes = Attributes(
divisions: 1,
keys: [key],
times: [time],
clefs: [clef]
let measure = Partwise.Measure(
number: "1",
musicData: [
let part = Partwise.Part(id: "P1", measures: [measure])
let header = Header(
partList: [
.part(ScorePart(id: "P1", name: "Music"))
let traversal = Partwise(header: header, parts: [part])
let score = Score.partwise(traversal)
You can decode a Score
in a variety of ways:
let fromData = try Score(data: data)
let fromString = try Score(string: string)
let fromURL = try Score(url: url)
Pre-release version 0.3.0 will see the completion of the encoding from a Score
into the musicXML format.
Use the Swift Package Manager to include the MusicXML
module into your project.
If you want to use the MusicXML
module in your own project, add the MusicXML
package to the dependencies
section of your Package.swift
let package = Package(
name: ...,
products: [ ... ],
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/dn-m/MusicXML", from: "0.2.1")
targets: [ ... ]
To contribute to the MusicXML
package, clone the git
git clone https://github.com/dn-m/MusicXML && cd MusicXML
Build the package:
swift build
Run the tests:
swift test
If you use the Xcode IDE, use the Swift Package Manager to generate an .xcodeproj
swift package generate-xcodeproj
The upcoming pre-release versions will be focused on completing different tasks.
Pre-release version 0.3.0 will be defined by completing the implementation of the encoding of abstract musical content. The LilyPond Test Suite tests will be transformed into round-trip tests to ensure that the plumbing is clean.
Pre-release version 0.4.0 will be defined by refining the public interfaces exposed by the MusicXML
package. Up until this point, pubic initializers may be somewhat clumsy.
See the MusicXML XSD Schema Reference for more information about how musicXML is structured.