Procrastination can be a full-time job.
A Gnus backend for Hacker News.
Git paid, not played.
We are trying to push ELPASO as the preferred package installer. Alternatively, directly clone this repo and make install
In your .emacs
or init.el
, use ONE of the following:
;; Applies to first-time Gnus users (custom-set-variables '(gnus-select-method (quote (nnhackernews ""))))
or, if you're an existing Gnus user,
;; Applies to existing Gnus users (add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods '(nnhackernews ""))
Then M-x gnus
Enter the nnhackernews:news
newsgroup with RET
Gnus will only show followup comments for threads you read, so be selective. If you accidentally read a thread, or decide the thread is uninteresting, you may C-k
it to prevent Gnus from showing followups. Use C-k
The signal-to-noise of the hackernews firehose is such that I often "catch-up" via c
to flush the unread threads.
Create a post via a
Reply to articles with f
or r
. Include original with F
Vote articles by R =
(up), or R 0
From the *Group*
buffer, press g
to refresh all groups. M-g
on a particular group to refresh individually.
From the summary buffer, /o
redisplays articles already read. x
undisplays them.
S c
cancels articles.
Gnus beginners may find the interface bewildering. In particular, groups with no unread articles do not display. Use L
to bring them out of hiding.