Automaticaly choose reviewers for pull requests.
- Setup mongodb and node >= 0.12
- Clone the repo
npm i --production
inside- Setup configuration (Read more about configuration here)
- Go To
- Payload URL —
- Run
NODE_ENV=production npm start
orNODE_ENV=production forever start start.js
- Open —
and check if everything is up and running
You'll get default configuration, but at least you need to set up GitHub auth token and Mongodb.
In config/default.json you can find section about mongodb, change host and db name if needed. And configuration for github, change host if you use in-house github installation:
"mongoose": {
"path": "./core/services/mongoose",
"options": {
"host": "mongodb://localhost/devexp"
"github": {
"path": "./core/services/github",
"options": {
"host": "",
"dependencies": []
Also you need to change review badges url in config/default.json:
"review-badges": {
"path": "./core/services/review-badges",
"options": {
"url": "http://localhost:8080/badges/",
"style": "flat"
"dependencies": [ ... ]
In file config/secret.json you can find configuration for github api tokens:
"github": {
"options": {
"authenticate": {
"type": "oauth",
"token": "your_auth_token"
Choose these scopes for access token:
File config/secret.json supposted to be used for tokens, passwords etc.
- Plugins References
TODO: more docs