A collection of awesome ruby gems and projects for hanami development.
The goal is to help every hanami developer to build an awesome product/service.
- hanami-bootstrap - Bootstrap wrapper for hanami framework.
- jquery-hanami - This gem provides jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver for your Hanami application.
- hanami-webpack - A RubyGem to allow you to use the Webpack as your asset pipeline in Hanami.
- vite_hanami - A RubyGem to allow you to use the Vite.js as your asset pipeline in Hanami.
- hanami-rodauth - Rodauth wrapper for hanami apps
- hanami-fumikiri - JWT authentication wrapper for hanami apps
- tachiban - Authentication with bcrypt for Hanami apps
- omniauth-hanami – Allows to use Hanami repository as OAuth provider (similar to omniauth-identity)
- hanami-id - Large authentication library, with generators
- jay_doubleu_tee - JWT authorization wrapper for all Ruby apps, including Hanami projects.
- kan - Simple, light and functional authorization library
- tachiban - Tachiban includes policy based authorization support
- hanami-shrine - Upload solution for Hanami using Shrine library
- newrelic-hanami - Gem for connecting NewRelic and Hanami
- rspec-hanami - RSpec Matchers for Hanami
- shoulda-hanami - Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes, but on hanami (old shoulda-lotus)
- hanami-fabrication - Utility to easily integrate Fabrication gem and Hanami
- rom_sql_graph - DB (sql) association graph for hanami and rom projects
- hanami-sequel - A Sequel-only replacement of hanami-model, including CLI extension and model generation.
- hanami-rethinkdb - RethinkDB adapter for Hanami::Model
- pagy - The ultimate pagination ruby gem. Integration to hanami.
- hanami-pagination - Pagination gem for your hanami applications. Based on ROM::Pagination plugin.
- hanami-events-cloud_pubsub - A hanami-events adapter for Google Cloud Pub/Sub.
- hanami-scaffold - Make hanami scaffolds faster.
- hanami-zsh - Zsh plugin for hanami projects.
- jsonapi-hanami - Efficiently and conveniently build JSON API-compliant APIs with Hanami.
- hanami-jbuilder - Support for rendering JBuilder templates for Hanami apps
- hanami-serializer - Serializer library for hanami applications
- had - Hanami API Documentation
- mina-hanami - Mina plugin for Hanami.
- capistrano-hanami - Hanami tasks for Capistrano.
- hanami-docker - Dockerize your Hanami application
- mina-proteus - Mina plugin for Hanami than allows you to deploy a specific application in a specific environment.
- How to run Hanami in RubyMine
- projectile-hanami - Projectile Hanami is an Emacs minor mode, based on Projectile, for navigating Hanami projects.
- Vim Hanami - plugin that gives you faster navigation between semantically associated files, like Action <-> View, Entity <-> Repository or Spec <-> Entity.
- Vim Minispec - plugin runs your Gem or Hanami Minitest specs and displays the results in Vim quickfix.
- omniauth - Hanami with OAuth
- Sidekiq - From Rails to Hanami Part 3, Use Sidekiq With Hanami
- I18n - From Rails to Hanami Part 3
- Sequel plugins - From Rails to Hanami Part 3
- letter_opener - Preview hanami emails in browser
- mongoid - github
- Trailblazer - Hanami with Trailblazer
- Factory Bot - Hanami with Factory Bot
- loan application platform - A Brazilian startup for credit loan using a car or house as a guarantee.
- cookie_box - Follow and control issues from several repositories from one place.
- OSSBoard - Simple way to connect developers and oss maintainers (Sources).
- contributors.hanamirb.org - All hanami contributors in one place (Sources). http://github.com/makedecision-org/core
- makedecision - Make decision faster.
- app.dartboard.io - Online darts scorer app built with Hanami(Sources)
- pinfluence - All world influencers in a map
- scripta.io - A platform for creating and sharing documents on the web (Sources).
- Flashcard Genius - Create, print and learn flashcards (Sources)
- upment-hanami - App on Hanami: JWT, GraphQL, RSpec and REACT client
- distruct-me - App on Hanami for self-distructing messages
- hanami-jwt-example - A simple JSON API web application built with Hanami which provides jwt-authentication, password encryption and CORS support.
- repressed_museum - A simple mostly static website, features basic i18n and docker integration
- bookshelf-delivery-example - An example app with a web GUI, API and CLI using shared interactors.
- hanami-chat-example - A basic chat application built with Hanami and LiteCable (compatible with AnyCable)
- Deutsch - prototype tool for learning German.
- Burn My Fat! (ru) – Backend for a mobile application that will help you make your body more beautiful. YouTube
- hanami-realworld-example-app - Hanami codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, tests etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.
- Community page on the official site
- Hanami Mastery - Articles and Video tutorials, featuring Hanami, its dependencies (ROM-RB, DRY-RB) and all great ruby projects that may be integrated with Hanami.
- What I learned building an app in Hanami
- Livereload and Hanami
- Deploying Hanami web application with Puma, Nginx and PostgreSQL using Docker
- Getting Started with Hanami and GraphQL
- IoT Saga - My first (for development) setup for a Hanami application
- Websockets! Connecting LiteCable to Hanami
- São Paulo, Brasil - Grupo de usuários Hanami-rb de São Paulo.
- Facebook, Brasil - Grupo brasileiro de discussão no Facebook.
- Russian telegram community.
- hanami-bench - Benchmarks for hanami
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.