An implementation of a blockchain in Rust demonstrating the use of libp2p
add persistence when finished
add error handling if block fails to add to node
consensus between nodes to prevent simultaneous node creation aka no two nodes #4 pointing to #3 for example, create "retry mechanism"
- rudimentary consensus determines longest "most up to date chain from either local and remote and uses that"
security layer between connecting nodes, currently client request and node response are broadcast through the entire network
- update with libp2p point-to-point request/response model to improve performance...see libp2p docs request_response
- refactor with gossipsub for more efficiency
Install locally
To run:
install rust and cargo
install nightly cargo for up to date dependencies
cd directory blocky-rust
~$: RUST_LOG=info cargo +nightly run
- ls p - list peer address
- ls c - list local chain
- create b $data - mines a block with data $data and adds it to chain
- Simple test:
open multiple terminal windows/tabs and switch between them updating and creating blocks and checking the persistence across each 'peer'