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A grouped buttons supporting multiple/radio selection and automatic layout by building with swift. https://github.com/danceyoung/react-native-selectmultiple-button for React Native.
Edit your podfile
pod 'selectmultiplebuttons', '~> 0.0.4'
You must adopt the SelectMultipleButtonsDelegate
protocol. The protocol likes UITableViewDelegate and UITableDatasource, providing information that SelectMultipleButtons need to construct buttons and manage button selection...
// how many buttons are returned
func numberOf(selectMultipleButtons: SelectMultipleButtons) -> Int
// button returned that is at which index
func buttonOf(selectMultipleButtons: SelectMultipleButtons, atIndex index: Int) -> UIButton
//set maximumNumber selected
//default you can select all buttons
//if you set the value is 1, the selectmultiplebuttons will present radio selecting
@objc optional func maximumNumberSelectedOf(selectMultipleButtons: SelectMultipleButtons) -> Int
//config, containnig the blow items
//edge's space (top, leading, bottom, trailling)
//between space (vertical space and horizontal space between buttons)
func styleConfigOf(selectMultipleButtons: SelectMultipleButtons) -> StyleConfig
//button's singeltap event
@objc optional func didSingleTapOf(selectMultipleButtons: SelectMultipleButtons, atIndex index: Int) -> Void
//indexes selected and changed event
@objc optional func indexesSelectedOf(selectMultipleButtons: SelectMultipleButtons, didChange indexes: [Int]) -> Void
Import modules
import selectmultiplebuttons
Init a selectMultipleButtons
//width is the maxwidth for SelectMultipleButtons view
//no care height, after performing SelectMultipleButtons.load(), the height is calced automaticly.
// you must perform SelectMultipleButtons.load() befor adding it to parent view.
let selectMultipleButtons1 = SelectMultipleButtons.init(frame: CGRect.init(x: 0, y: tip1.frame.origin.y + tip1.frame.height, width: view.frame.width, height: 0))
selectMultipleButtons1.delegate = self
Conform required protocol
func numberOf(selectMultipleButtons: SelectMultipleButtons) -> Int {
return buttonTitleArray1.count
func buttonOf(selectMultipleButtons: SelectMultipleButtons, atIndex index: Int) -> UIButton {
let button = UIButton.init()
button.setTitle(buttonTitleArray1[index], for: .normal)
//set none selected state
button.setTitleColor(.lightGray, for: .normal)
button.setBackgroundColor(.groupTableViewBackground, for: .normal)
//set selected state
button.setTitleColor(.white, for: .selected)
button.setBackgroundColor(UIColor.init(red: 0x3B/0xFF, green: 0x67/0xFF, blue: 0xBC/0xFF, alpha: 1), for: .selected)
//default button is selected
button.isSelected = true
return button
func styleConfigOf(selectMultipleButtons: SelectMultipleButtons) -> StyleConfig {
let edgeSpace = EdgeSpace.init(top: 10, leading: 10, bottom: 10, trailling: 10)
let betweenSpace = BetweenSpace.init(horizontalSpace: 5, verticalSpace: 5)
return StyleConfig.init(edgeSpace: edgeSpace, betweenSpace: betweenSpace, systemFontSize: 18)
selectmultiplebuttons is MIT licensed.