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Conjure Horizontal Set Rules
lilian-contius edited this page Mar 10, 2025
6 revisions
- Set-Comprehension-Literal
identifies set literal in problem and converts to matrix literal containing the same elements of the same type as the set.
- takes in Comprehension containing a "body" and generators or conditions "gensOrConds"
- matches "gensOrConds" to a tuple containing the Generator "(pat,expr)", between two generators or conditions, "gocBefore" and "gocAfter"
- identifies generator containing pattern and expression, attempts to match expression to a set or multiset
- stores elements of set literal in a list of relevant type "tau"
- creates matrix literal of type "tau" containing same elements as set literal
- returns original comprehension with same body, gocBefore, gocAfter, middle Generator with same pattern but matrix literal replaces set literal
- Code:
theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do (gocBefore, (pat, expr), gocAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \ goc -> case goc of Generator (GenInExpr pat@Single{} expr) -> return (pat, matchDefs [opToSet, opToMSet] expr) Generator (GenInExpr pat@AbsPatSet{} expr) -> return (pat, matchDefs [opToSet, opToMSet] expr) _ -> na "rule_Comprehension_Literal" (TypeSet tau, elems) <- match setLiteral expr let outLiteral = make matrixLiteral (TypeMatrix (TypeInt TagInt) tau) (DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded 1 (fromInt (genericLength elems))]) elems return ( "Comprehension on set literals" , return $ Comprehension body $ gocBefore ++ [Generator (GenInExpr pat outLiteral)] ++ gocAfter )
- Example:
- set-comprehension-literal rule appears within problem: "letting A be {1,5,3}, find B : set of int(0..6), such that B subsetEq A"
- here the body of the comprehension is "q3 = q2", the gensOrConds is the single Generator "q3 <- {1,3,5}"
- the set literal expression {1,3,5} is replaced with the matrix literal [1,3,5; int(1..3)], the pattern "q3 <-" and the body are left unaffected.
- context:
- q2 is a quantified variable in larger scope (Context #3) -- using Occurrence representation here, used to iterate over elements in B
- q3 is the quantified variable used to check that each q2 is an element from A = {1,3,5}
Picking the first option: Question 1: [q3 = q2 | q3 <- {1, 3, 5}] Context #1: or([q3 = q2 | q3 <- {1, 3, 5}]) Context #3: and([or([q3 = q2 | q3 <- {1, 3, 5}]) | q2 : int(0..6), B_Occurrence[q2]]) Answer 1: set-comprehension-literal: Comprehension on set literals [q3 = q2 | q3 <- {1, 3, 5}] ~~> [q3 = q2 | q3 <- [1, 3, 5; int(1..3)]]
- Set-eq (boolean)
- rule for set equality, checks if two sets are equal, i.e. they contain the same elements
- identifies pattern: "x eq y"
- checks that x and y are sets
- translates equality into conjunction of two subset-equalities
i.e. "x eq y" becomes " "x subsetEq of y" AND "y subsetEq of x" ", using Set-subsetEq rule
- Code:
theRule p = do (x,y) <- match opEq p TypeSet{} <- typeOf x TypeSet{} <- typeOf y return` ( "Horizontal rule for set equality" , return $ make opAnd $ fromList [ make opSubsetEq x y , make opSubsetEq y x ] )
- Example:
Picking the first option: Question 1: A = B union C Answer 1: set-eq: Horizontal rule for set equality A = B union C ~~> A subsetEq B union C /\ B union C subsetEq A
- Set-neq (boolean)
- rule for set inequality
- identifies pattern: "x != y"
- checks that x and y are sets
- translates inequality to existence of an element that is either in x but not in y, or that is in y but not in x
i.e. "x != y" becomes "there exists i such that i in x and i not in y, or i in y and i not in x"
- Code:
theRule [essence| &x != &y |] = do TypeSet{} <- typeOf x TypeSet{} <- typeOf y return ( "Horizontal rule for set dis-equality" , do (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar return [essence| (exists &iPat in &x . !(&i in &y)) \/ (exists &iPat in &y . !(&i in &x)) |] )
- Example:
- checking that the set A is not equal to set B
- here q4 is the quantified variable, referred to as "i" above.
Picking the first option: Question 1: A != B union C Answer 1: set-neq: Horizontal rule for set dis-equality A != B union C ~~> or([!(q4 in B union C) | q4 <- A]) \/ or([!(q4 in A) | q4 <- B union C])
- Set-subsetEq (boolean)
- rule for subsetEq, checks if one set is contained in another, they may be equal
- identifies pattern: "x subsetEq y"
- checks that x and y are sets
- translates x is subsetEq of y to all elements in x are in y
i.e. "x subsetEq y" becomes "for all i in x, i in y"
- Code:
theRule p = do (x,y) <- match opSubsetEq p TypeSet{} <- typeOf x TypeSet{} <- typeOf y return ( "Horizontal rule for set subsetEq" , do (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar return [essence| forAll &iPat in &x . &i in &y |] )
- Example:
- here q3 is the quantified variable, referred to as "i" above.
- and() is the universal quantifier, quantifying over q3. and([q3 in B | q3 <- A]) translates to "for all q3 in A, q3 is in B"
Picking the first option: Question 1: A subsetEq B Answer 1: set-subsetEq: Horizontal rule for set subsetEq A subsetEq B ~~> and([q3 in B | q3 <- A])
- Set-subset (boolean)
- rule for subset, checks if one set is strictly contained in another, they cannot be equal
- identifies pattern: "a subset b"
- checks that a and b are sets
- translates a is subset of b to a is subsetEq of b, and a is not equal to b
i.e. "a subset b" becomes " "a subsetEq b" AND "a neq b" ", using rules Set-subsetEq and Set-neq
- Code:
theRule [essence| &a subset &b |] = do TypeSet{} <- typeOf a TypeSet{} <- typeOf b return ( "Horizontal rule for set subset" , return [essence| &a subsetEq &b /\ &a != &b |] ) theRule _ = na "rule_Subset"
- Example:
Picking the first option: Question 1: A subset B Answer 1: set-subset: Horizontal rule for set subset A subset B ~~> A subsetEq B /\ A != B
- Set-supset (boolean)
- rule for superset, checks if one set strictly contains another, they cannot be equal
- identifies pattern: "a supset b"
- checks that a and b are sets
- translates a is superset of b to b is subset of a, and applies subset rule.
- Code:
theRule [essence| &a supset &b |] = do TypeSet{} <- typeOf a TypeSet{} <- typeOf b return ( "Horizontal rule for set supset" , return [essence| &b subset &a |] ) theRule _ = na "rule_Supset"
- Example:
Picking the first option: Question 1: A supset B Answer 1: set-supset: Horizontal rule for set supset A supset B ~~> B subset A
- Set-supsetEq (boolean)
- rule for supsetEq, checks if one set contains another, they may be equal
- identifies pattern: "x supsetEq y"
- checks that x and y are sets
- translates x is supsetEq of y to y is subsetEq of x, and applies subsetEq rule.
- Code:
theRule [essence| &a supsetEq &b |] = do TypeSet{} <- typeOf a TypeSet{} <- typeOf b return ( "Horizontal rule for set supsetEq" , return [essence| &b subsetEq &a |] ) theRule _ = na "rule_SupsetEq"
- Example:
Picking the first option: Question 1: A supsetEq B Answer 1: set-subsetEq: Horizontal rule for set supsetEq A supsetEq B ~~> B subsetEq A
- Set-intersect (describes a new set)
- rule for set intersection. defines that an element is in the intersection of two sets when it is in both sets.
- similar structure as comprehension literal rule, only used within generators or conditions
- attempts to match generator to pattern and expression: pattern "quantified variable <-" and expression with a modifier operator (if present) applied to a set/multiset/relation "s"
- attempts to match s to "x intersect y"
- checks x is a set, multiset, function, or relation
- replaces generator with same pattern and modifier (if present) applied to x, and adds the condition that the relevant quantified variable must be in y.
- i.e. "i <- x intersect y" becomes "i <- x, i in y"
- Code:
theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do (gocBefore, (pat, iPat, expr), gocAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \ goc -> case goc of Generator (GenInExpr pat@(Single iPat) expr) -> return (pat, iPat, matchDefs [opToSet,opToMSet,opToRelation] expr) _ -> na "rule_Intersect" (mkModifier, s) <- match opModifier expr (x, y) <- match opIntersect s tx <- typeOf x case tx of TypeSet{} -> return () TypeMSet{} -> return () TypeFunction{} -> return () TypeRelation{} -> return () _ -> failDoc "type incompatibility in intersect operator" let i = Reference iPat Nothing return ( "Horizontal rule for set intersection" , return $ Comprehension body $ gocBefore ++ [ Generator (GenInExpr pat (mkModifier x)) , Condition [essence| &i in &y |] ] ++ gocAfter )
- Example:
- set-intersect rule appears within problem C = A intersect B, after applying set-equals, set-subsetEq, set-in
- q4 is quantified in a former step, it is an element in C
- see Context #1, q5 is quantified by or() - existence quantifier, translates to "there exists a q5 in A intersect B such that q5 equals q4"
- translates "q5 <- A intersect B" to "q5 <- A, q5 in B", i.e. check for existence of q5 in A, and additional condition, q5 must be in B.
Picking the first option: Question 1: [q5 = q4 | q5 <- A intersect B] Context #1: or([q5 = q4 | q5 <- A intersect B]) ... Answer 1: set-intersect: Horizontal rule for set intersection [q5 = q4 | q5 <- A intersect B] ~~> [q5 = q4 | q5 <- A, q5 in B]
- Set-union (describes a new set)
- rule for set union. defines that an element is in the union of two sets when it is in at least one of the sets.
- similar structure as comprehension literal rule, only used within generators or conditions
- attempts to match generator to pattern and expression: pattern "quantified variable <-" and expression with a modifier operator (if present) applied to a set/multiset/relation "s"
- attempts to match s to "x union y"
- checks x is a set, multiset, function, or relation
- creates abstract matrix containing two comprehensions:
- both comprehensions have body from original comprehension
- both comprehensions have a generator with same pattern on same quantified variable.
- expressions in generators consist of same modifier operator (if present) applied to only set x and only set y respectively
- for set y, the additional condition "i not in x" is added to prevent double counting (relevant for sums)
- Code:
theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do (gocBefore, (pat, iPat, expr), gocAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \ goc -> case goc of Generator (GenInExpr pat@(Single iPat) expr) -> return (pat, iPat, matchDef opToSet expr) _ -> na "rule_Union" (mkModifier, s) <- match opModifier expr (x, y) <- match opUnion s tx <- typeOf x case tx of TypeSet{} -> return () TypeMSet{} -> return () TypeFunction{} -> return () TypeRelation{} -> return () _ -> failDoc "type incompatibility in union operator" let i = Reference iPat Nothing return ( "Horizontal rule for set union" , return $ make opFlatten $ AbstractLiteral $ AbsLitMatrix (DomainInt TagInt [RangeBounded 1 2]) [ Comprehension body $ gocBefore ++ [ Generator (GenInExpr pat (mkModifier x)) ] ++ gocAfter , Comprehension body $ gocBefore ++ [ Generator (GenInExpr pat (mkModifier y)) , Condition [essence| !(&i in &x) |] ] ++ gocAfter ] )
- Example:
- set-union rule appears within problem C = A union B, after applying set-equals, set-subsetEq, set-in
- q4 is quantified in a former step, it is an element in C (Context #3)
- see Context #1, q5 is quantified by or() - existence quantifier, translates to "there exists a q5 in A union B such that q5 equals q4"
- translates "[q5 = q4 | q5 <- A union B]" to return the matrix "flatten([[q5 = q4 | q5 <- A], [q5 = q4 | q5 <- B, !(q5 in A)]; int(1..2)])"
- "q5 = q4" is the body of the comprehension, the pattern "q5 <-" is applied to both A and B in the respective entries of the matrix
- additional condition "!(q5 in A)" for the second comprehension, to prevent double counting
- i.e. check for existence of q5 in either A or B.
Picking the first option: Question 1: [q5 = q4 | q5 <- A union B] Context #1: or([q5 = q4 | q5 <- A union B]) Context #3: and([or([q5 = q4 | q5 <- A union B]) | q4 : int(0..6), C_Occurrence[q4]]) Answer 1: set-union: Horizontal rule for set union [q5 = q4 | q5 <- A union B] ~~> flatten([[q5 = q4 | q5 <- A], [q5 = q4 | q5 <- B, !(q5 in A)]; int(1..2)])
- Set-difference (describes a new set)
- rule for set difference. defines that an element is in the difference of two sets when it is in the former but not in the latter.
- similar structure as comprehension literal rule, only used within generators or conditions
- attempts to match generator to pattern and expression: pattern "quantified variable <-" and expression with a modifier operator (if present) applied to a set/multiset/relation "s"
- attempts to match s to "x - y"
- checks x is a set, multiset, function, or relation
- returns comprehension with same body as original, same gocBefore, gocAfter. Generator is replaced by original generator applied only to x, with additional condition "i not in y"
- Code:
theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do (gocBefore, (pat, iPat, expr), gocAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \ goc -> case goc of Generator (GenInExpr pat@(Single iPat) expr) -> return (pat, iPat, expr) _ -> na "rule_Difference" (mkModifier, s) <- match opModifier expr (x, y) <- match opMinus s tx <- typeOf x case tx of TypeSet{} -> return () TypeMSet{} -> return () TypeFunction{} -> return () TypeRelation{} -> return () _ -> failDoc "type incompatibility in difference operator" let i = Reference iPat Nothing return ( "Horizontal rule for set difference" , return $ Comprehension body $ gocBefore ++ [ Generator (GenInExpr pat (mkModifier x)) , Condition [essence| !(&i in &y) |] ] ++ gocAfter )
- Example:
- set-difference rule appears within problem C = A - B, after applying set-equals, set-subsetEq, set-in
- q4 is quantified in a former step, it is an element in C (Context #3)
- see Context #1, q5 is quantified by or() - existence quantifier, translates to "there exists a q5 in A - B such that q5 equals q4"
- translates "q5 <- A - B" to "q5 <- A, !(q5 in B)"
Picking the first option: Question 1: [q5 = q4 | q5 <- A - B] Context #1: or([q5 = q4 | q5 <- A - B]) Context #3: and([or([q5 = q4 | q5 <- A - B]) | q4 : int(0..6), C_Occurrence[q4]]) Answer 1: set-difference: Horizontal rule for set difference [q5 = q4 | q5 <- A - B] ~~> [q5 = q4 | q5 <- A, !(q5 in B)]
- Set-Powerset-difference - Set-Powerset-comprehension
- Set-max-min
- rule for finding maximum and minimum of a set
- contains two sub-rules, one for max, one for min.
- if set is literal, converts to list and finds max.
- otherwise creates quantified variable and uses max() operation in Essence.
- minimum rule works analogously
- Code:
theRule [essence| max(&s) |] = do TypeSet (TypeInt _) <- typeOf s return ( "Horizontal rule for set max" , case () of _ | Just (_, xs) <- match setLiteral s, length xs > 0 -> return $ make opMax $ fromList xs _ -> do (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar return [essence| max([&i | &iPat <- &s]) |] ) theRule [essence| min(&s) |] = do TypeSet (TypeInt _) <- typeOf s return ( "Horizontal rule for set min" , case () of _ | Just (_, xs) <- match setLiteral s, length xs > 0 -> return $ make opMin $ fromList xs _ -> do (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar return [essence| min([&i | &iPat <- &s]) |] ) theRule _ = na "rule_MaxMin"
- Example:
Picking the first option: Question 1: max(A) Context #1: max(A) = max(B) Answer 1: set-max-min: Horizontal rule for set max max(A) ~~> max([q3 | q3 <- A])
- Set-literal example:
letting A be {5, 6, 3} find i: int(0..10) such that i = min(A) branching on [i] such that such that true(i) Picking the first option: Question 1: min(A) Context #1: i = min(A) Answer 1: full-evaluate: Full evaluator min(A) ~~> 3
- Set-in (boolean)
- rule for set membership, checks whether something is an element of a set
- identifies pattern: "x in s"
- checks s is a set
- introduces quantified variable to go through set s and check whether any of its elements equal x
i.e. "x in s" becomes "there exists i in s such that i = x"
- Code:
theRule p = do (x,s) <- match opIn p TypeSet{} <- typeOf s -- do not apply this rule to quantified variables -- or else we might miss the opportunity to apply a more specific vertical rule if referenceToComprehensionVar s then na "rule_In" else return () return ( "Horizontal rule for set-in." , do (iPat, i) <- quantifiedVar return [essence| exists &iPat in &s . &i = &x |] )
- Example:
- here we are checking for membership of q4 in B union C
- q4 is a quantified variable in larger context
- q5 is the quantified variable introduced by the set-in rule.
Picking the first option: Question 1: q4 in B union C Answer 1: set-in: Horizontal rule for set-in. q4 in B union C ~~> or([q5 = q4 | q5 <- B union C])
- Set-card (int)
- rule for set cardinality, counts number of elements in a set
- identifies pattern: |s|
- checks s is a set
- if it exists, returns the set's domain's size attribute
- otherwise introduces quantified variable "iPat" to iterate through set, incrementing the sum for each new element, returns sum.
- Code:
rule_Card = "set-card" `namedRule` theRule where theRule p = do s <- match opTwoBars p case s of Domain{} -> na "rule_Card" _ -> return () TypeSet{} <- typeOf s return ( "Horizontal rule for set cardinality." , do mdom <- runMaybeT $ domainOf s case mdom of Just (DomainSet _ (SetAttr (SizeAttr_Size n)) _) -> return n _ -> do (iPat, _) <- quantifiedVar return [essence| sum &iPat in &s . 1 |] )
- Example:
- set-card rule appears within problem |A| = |B|
- here q3 is the quantified variable called "iPat" above
Picking the first option: Question 1: |A| Context #1: |A| = |B| Answer 1: set-card: Horizontal rule for set cardinality. |A| ~~> sum([1 | q3 <- A])
- Set-card-via-freq - param-min-of-set - param-max-of-set - param-card-of-set
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