NOTE: this branch dev-grad-maker
is under development and will be merged to master
branch soon.
ASDL is an extension library of PyTorch to easily perform gradient preconditioning using second-order information (e.g., Hessian, Fisher information) for deep neural networks.
ASDL provides various implementations and a unified interface (GradientMaker) for gradient preconditioning for deep neural networks. For example, to train your model with gradient preconditioning by K-FAC algorithm, you can replace a <Standard>
gradient calculation procedure (i.e., a forward pass followed by a backward pass) with one by <ASDL>
with KfacGradientMaker like the following:
from asdl.precondition import PreconditioningConfig, KfacGradientMaker
# Initialize model
model = Net()
# Initialize optimizer (SGD is recommended)
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.1)
# Initialize KfacGradientMaker
config = PreconditioningConfig(data_size=batch_size, damping=0.01)
gm = KfacGradientMaker(model, config)
# Training loop
for x, t in data_loader:
# <Standard> (gradient calculation)
# y = model(x)
# loss = loss_fn(y, t)
# loss.backward()
# <ASDL> ('preconditioned' gradient calculation)
dummy_y = gm.setup_model_call(model, x)
gm.setup_loss_call(loss_fn, dummy_y, t)
y, loss = gm.forward_and_backward()
You can apply a different gradient preconditioning algorithm by replacing gm
with another XXXGradientMaker(model, config)
(XXX: algorithm name, e.g., ShampooGradientMaker for Shampoo algorithm) with the same interface.
This enables a flexible switching/comparison of a range of gradient preconditioning algorithms.
You can install the latest version of ASDL by running:
$ pip install git+
Alternatively, you can install via PyPI:
$ pip install asdl
ASDL is tested with Python 3.7 and is compatible with PyTorch 1.13.
- ASDL poster @ HOOML2022 workshop at NeurIPS 2022