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CITA-Truffle-Box is based on truffle-box to develop and used for developing DApps on CITA. Please refer toour document for more details about CITA.
Notice: This project rewrite truffle migrate part of truffle-box, please read truffle-tutorial first, especially RUNNING MIGRATIONS part.
- Install Truffle globally
To use CITA-Truffle-Box, please install truffle.
yarn global add truffle
- Download
git clone https://github.com/cryptape/cita-truffle-box.git
cd cita-truffle-box/
rm -rf .git
yarn install
You can configure your box in truffle.js
The configure options are shown below.
module.exports = {
networks: {
development: {
host: 'ip_address', // eg. ''
port: 'port', // eg. 1337
network_id: '*', // Use '*' to match any network id
privateKey: 'private key', // a string, required
// the following parameters are OPTIONAL
// validUntilBlock: 999999, // an int, default to (current block number)+88
// nonce: '999', // a string, default to random int
// quota: 999999, // an int, defaut to 999999
}, // you can add other network after here
You must use 'development' as the key for now.
Specify the host ip_address, don't add protocol name. -
Specify the host port. -
In order to be compatible with truffle, you have to set this attribute, but it's meaningless here. -
Your private key for sending transaction. -
Nonce is a string used to prevent double-spending, default to be a random number from 1 ~ 100. Note that the type ofnonce
is string. -
Similar to gas in ethereum, default value is 99999. -
Similar to timeout, default to becurrent block height + 88
Compile the smart contract.
truffle compile
First, add your migration scripts in /migration
, for the details, please refer RUNNING MIGRATIONS for more details.
Input the command to do migration. (Note that we can NOT use truffle migrate
command here...)
yarn migrate