0.3.0 (2020-11-04)
Bug Fixes
data: don't accept days with missing plots (6b4458a ), closes #63
data: raise DataError if file not found (80dcbd5 )
data: raise DataError if trying to load nonexistant data (f1cc484 )
data: Skip non-lsd dirs (29b046e )
data: typo in debug log (ecf17ec )
delayspectrum: copy cmap to get rid of mpl warning (e812e49 )
delayspectrum: swap axis names when transposing (d63fc94 )
gui: get user name from secure cookie (33044f8 ), closes #37
gui: no day value set on start (87db63d )
gui: plot order in set gets scrambled (be956e4 )
gui: Toggle buttons were assigned to wrong plots (3aeb40a )
heatmap: import datashade after start to make --num_procs work (9669ead )
heatmap: set transpose default to False (9e41195 ), closes #57
server: load template after config (75f03c8 )
template: Menu button wasn't displayed at all (6d3ecae )
config: add logging config (1aa53ef )
data: periodically re-index files (5470e1a ), closes #24
delayspectrum: arrange plots in single row (727f254 ), closes #34
delayspectrum: make axes of subplots independent (4b8c327 )
delayspectrum: optimize plot layout (d06e17c )
flags: default uncached flag fetching (7d0a3ac )
gui: add indicator for when page loading (15264b5 ), closes #65
gui: add option to hide days with opinion (3935db4 ), closes #65
gui: describe displayed data in a title (84a87d9 ), closes #33
gui: opinion buttons insert into chimedb (1f92c75 )
gui: swap plot order to fit them tighter (b3437be )
gui: use alert widget to give opinion click feedback (a91bf3b )
opinion: add notes text input (f841c55 ), closes #64
opinion: choose next day closeby after opinion inserted (f099f5b ), closes #62
plot: pass config to plot (174c536 )
requirements: bump bokeh version to 2.2.1 (57848eb )
ringmap: add ringmap plot (97e19cf )
script: add option --chimedb-enable-test (4b28836 )
sensitivity: Add sensitivity plot (67402cb )
template: add mdl w/o tabs (d5365f5 )
templates: add template mdl (28cad5e )
Performance Improvements
server: open db connection on startup (4e648c6 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.