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🎲 Laravel package to supercharge enum functionalities.


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🎲 Laravel Enum

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Laravel package to supercharge enum functionalities.


Need a framework-agnostic solution? Consider using 🎲 Enum instead.

📦 Install

Via Composer:

composer require cerbero/laravel-enum

🔮 Usage

This package provides all the functionalities of 🎲 Enum plus Laravel-specific features.

To supercharge our enums, we just need to let them use the Enumerates trait:

use Cerbero\LaravelEnum\Concerns\Enumerates;

enum Numbers: int
    use Enumerates;

    case One = 1;
    case Two = 2;
    case Three = 3;

🏷️ Meta

Laravel Enum extends Enum's meta by allowing us to attach meta with a class name. This class is resolved by the Laravel container when invoking the corresponding meta method:

use Cerbero\Enum\Attributes\Meta;

enum PayoutStatuses
    use Enumerates;

    #[Meta(handler: SentPayoutHandler::class)]
    case Sent;

    #[Meta(handler: OnHoldPayoutHandler::class)]
    case OnHold;

    #[Meta(handler: DeclinedPayoutHandler::class)]
    case Declined;

In the enum above, each case specifies a handler meta with a class name. When a case calls its handler() meta method, the corresponding class is resolved through the IoC container:

// 🐢 instead of this
$handler = match ($payout->status) {
    PayoutStatuses::Sent => SentPayoutHandler::class,
    PayoutStatuses::OnHold => OnHoldPayoutHandler::class,
    PayoutStatuses::Declined => DeclinedPayoutHandler::class,

return Container::getInstance()->make($handler);

// 🐇 we can do this
return $payout->status->handler();

If we need to resolve a default class for most cases, we can attach the meta to the enum itself. Cases with their own meta override the default class:

use Cerbero\Enum\Attributes\Meta;

#[Meta(handler: DefaultPayoutHandler::class)]
enum PayoutStatuses
    use Enumerates;

    #[Meta(handler: SentPayoutHandler::class)]
    case Sent;

    case OnHold;

    case Declined;

In the example above, all cases calling the handler() method resolve the DefaultPayoutHandler class, except for the Sent case that resolves SentPayoutHandler.

If the class to be resolved is callable (i.e. it implements the __invoke() method), that class will be both resolved and executed:

use Cerbero\Enum\Attributes\Meta;

enum PayoutStatuses
    use Enumerates;

    #[Meta(handlePayout: SentPayoutHandler::class)]
    case Sent;

    #[Meta(handlePayout: OnHoldPayoutHandler::class)]
    case OnHold;

    #[Meta(handlePayout: DeclinedPayoutHandler::class)]
    case Declined;

In the enum above, each case specifies a handlePayout meta with a callable class. Calling handlePayout() resolves and invokes the class with any passed parameters.

// 🐢 instead of this
$handler = match ($payout->status) {
    PayoutStatuses::Sent => SentPayoutHandler::class,
    PayoutStatuses::OnHold => OnHoldPayoutHandler::class,
    PayoutStatuses::Declined => DeclinedPayoutHandler::class,

$handlePayout = Container::getInstance()->make($handler);

return $handlePayout($payout);

// 🐇 we can do this
return $payout->status->handlePayout($payout);

If we need to run a default callable class for most cases, we can attach the meta to the enum itself. Cases with their own meta override the default callable class:

use Cerbero\Enum\Attributes\Meta;

#[Meta(handlePayout: DefaultPayoutHandler::class)]
enum PayoutStatuses
    use Enumerates;

    #[Meta(handlePayout: SentPayoutHandler::class)]
    case Sent;

    case OnHold;

    case Declined;

In the example above, all cases calling the handlePayout() method execute the DefaultPayoutHandler class, except for the Sent case, which runs the SentPayoutHandler.


Our IDE can autocomplete meta methods thanks to the enum:annotate command.

Class names in meta are annotated by identifying the common interface or parent class they share.

🧺 Cases collection

The original cases collection has been extended for better integration with the Laravel framework.

The new cases collection implements the Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable and Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Jsonable contracts and it can be serialized into a JSON.

It also leverages the following Laravel traits:

  • Illuminate\Support\Traits\Conditionable for conditional chaining of methods
  • Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable for adding methods to the collection at runtime
  • Illuminate\Support\Traits\Tappable for running custom logic while keeping method chaining

Additionally, the new collection enables us to dump() and dd() its cases:



Cases collection can be cast in an Eloquent model to store multiple cases in a single database column and then re-hydrate those cases back into a collection:

use Cerbero\LaravelEnum\CasesCollection;

class User extends Model
    // before Laravel 11
    protected $casts = [
        'numbers' => CasesCollection::class . ':' . Numbers::class,

    // after Laravel 11
    protected function casts(): array
        return [
            'numbers' => CasesCollection::of(Numbers::class),

Once the cast is set, we can assign an array of names, values or cases to the cast property of the model and receive a cases collection when accessing the property:

$user->numbers = ['One', 'Two'];

$user->numbers = [1, 2];

$user->numbers = [Numbers::One, Numbers::Two];

$user->numbers; // CasesCollection[Numbers::One, Numbers::Two]

The cases collection above is stored in the database as ["One","Two"] for a pure enum, or as [1,2] for a backed enum.

The cast also supports bitwise backed enums, so for instance, if we have a Permissions enum implementing the Bitwise contract:

use Cerbero\LaravelEnum\Contracts\Bitwise;

enum Permissions: int implements Bitwise
    use Enumerates;

    case CreatePost = 1;
    case UpdatePost = 2;
    case DeletePost = 4;

and we cast the permissions property in our Eloquent model:

use Cerbero\LaravelEnum\CasesCollection;

class User extends Model
    // before Laravel 11
    protected $casts = [
        'permissions' => CasesCollection::class . ':' . Permissions::class,

    // after Laravel 11
    protected function casts(): array
        return [
            'permissions' => CasesCollection::of(Permissions::class),

we can assign a bitwise value or an array of bitwise values/cases to the permissions property and receive a cases collection in return:

$user->permissions = 3;

$user->permissions = 1 | 2;

$user->permissions = Permissions::CreatePost->value | Permissions::UpdatePost->value;

$user->permissions = [1, 2];

$user->permissions = [Permissions::CreatePost, Permissions::UpdatePost];

$user->permissions; // CasesCollection[Permissions::CreatePost, Permissions::UpdatePost]

The cases collection above is stored in the database as 3, the result of the OR bitwise operator.

🪄 Magic translation

On top of Enum's magic, when a case calls an inaccessible method without a corresponding meta match, Laravel Enum assumes that we want to access a translation:


// lang/en/enums.php
return [
    Numbers::class => [
        'One' => [
            'description' => 'This is the case One.',

By default the translation key is resolved as enums.{enum namespace}.{case name}.{inaccessible method}. If customization is needed, we can adjust the translation key:

use Cerbero\LaravelEnum\Enums;

Enums::translateFrom(function(UnitEnum $case, string $method) {
    return sprintf('custom.%s.%s.%s', $case::class, $case->name, $method);

The above logic will resolve the translation key as custom.{enum namespace}.{case name}.{inaccessible method}.

Additionally, we can pass named arguments to replace placeholders within our translations:

return [
    Numbers::class => [
        'One' => [
            'description' => 'This is the case :value.',

// This is the case 1.
Numbers::One->description(value: 1);

Translations are accessible through enum operations as well:

$options = Numbers::pluck('description', 'value');

    1 => 'This is the case One.',
    2 => 'This is the case Two.',
    3 => 'This is the case Three.',


Our IDE can autocomplete translation methods thanks to the enum:annotate command.

💊 Encapsulation

Laravel Enum offers extra traits to encapsulate Laravel features that deal with keys. By defining keys as enum cases, we can leverage Laravel features without having to remember or repeat such keys.

The benefits of this approach are many:

  • avoiding scattered, error-prone strings throughout the codebase
  • preventing key misspellings
  • enabling IDE autocompletion
  • reviewing all application keys in a central location
  • updating keys in one place rather than replacing all instances

🗄️ Cache

To encapsulate the Laravel cache, we can define a backed enum with all our cache keys and apply the EnumeratesCacheKeys trait:

use Cerbero\LaravelEnum\Concerns\EnumeratesCacheKeys;

enum CacheKeys: string
    use EnumeratesCacheKeys;

    case PostComments = 'posts.{int $postId}.comments';
    case Tags = 'tags';
    case TeamMemberPosts = 'teams.{string $teamId}.users.{string $userId}.posts';

The EnumeratesCacheKeys trait incorporates Enumerates, hence all the features of this package. We can now leverage all the Laravel cache methods by statically calling enum cases:

CacheKeys::Tags()->put($value, $ttl);
CacheKeys::Tags()->set($value, $ttl);
CacheKeys::Tags()->add($value, $ttl);
CacheKeys::Tags()->remember($ttl, $callback);
CacheKeys::Tags()->lock($seconds, $owner);

When calling cases statically, we can pass parameters to resolve dynamic keys. Such parameters replace the {...} placeholders in the cache keys:

CacheKeys::TeamMemberPosts($teamId, $userId)->exists();

🔓 Session

To encapsulate the Laravel session, we can define a backed enum with all our session keys and apply the EnumeratesSessionKeys trait:

use Cerbero\LaravelEnum\Concerns\EnumeratesSessionKeys;

enum SessionKeys
    use EnumeratesSessionKeys;

    case CartItems = 'cart-items';
    case OnboardingStep = 'onboarding-step';
    case FormsData = 'forms.{int $formId}.data';

The EnumeratesSessionKeys trait incorporates Enumerates, hence all the features of this package. We can now leverage all the Laravel session methods by statically calling enum cases:


When calling cases statically, we can pass parameters to resolve dynamic keys. Such parameters replace the {...} placeholders in the session keys:



Our IDE can autocomplete case static methods thanks to the enum:annotate command.

🦾 Artisan commands

A handy set of Artisan commands is provided out of the box to interact with enums seamlessly.

Some commands generate enums or related files. If we want to customize such files, we can publish their stubs:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-enum-stubs

After publishing, the stubs can be modified within the stubs/laravel-enum directory, located at the root of our application.

Certain commands supports the --all option to reference all enums in our application. By default, enums are searched in the app/Enums directory, but we can scan other folders as well:

use Cerbero\LaravelEnum\Enums;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot(): void
        Enums::setPaths('app/Enums', 'domain/*/Enums');

In the example above, enums are searched in the app/Enums directory and all Enums sub-directories within domain, such as domain/Posts/Enums, domain/Users/Enums, etc.

🗒️ enum:annotate

IDEs can autocomplete case static methods, meta methods, translations, etc. by running the enum:annotate command:

php artisan enum:annotate

If we don't provide any argument, a prompt appears to choose which enums to annotate. Or, we can simply use the --all option to annotate all enums:

php artisan enum:annotate --all

php artisan enum:annotate -a

Alternatively, we can provide one or more enums directly to the enum:annotate command. Both slashes and quoted backslashes are acceptable for defining enum namespaces:

php artisan enum:annotate App/Enums/Permissions "App\Enums\PayoutStatuses"

Lastly, if we wish to overwrite existing method annotations on enums, we can include the --force option:

php artisan enum:annotate --force

php artisan enum:annotate -f

🏗️ enum:make

The enum:make command allows us to create a new, automatically annotated enum with the cases we need:

php artisan enum:make

If no arguments are given, prompts will guide us through defining the enum namespace, backing type and cases. Otherwise, all these details can be typed via command line:

php artisan enum:make App/Enums/Enum CaseOne CaseTwo

php artisan enum:make "App\Enums\Enum" CaseOne CaseTwo

For creating backed enums, we can manually set custom values for each case:

php artisan enum:make App/Enums/Enum CaseOne=value1 CaseTwo=value2

Or, we can automatically assign values to cases by using the --backed option:

php artisan enum:make App/Enums/Enum CaseOne CaseTwo --backed=int0

The --backed option accepts these values:

  • int0: assigns incremental integers starting from 0 (0, 1, 2...)
  • int1: assigns incremental integers starting from 1 (1, 2, 3...)
  • bitwise: assigns incremental bitwise values (1, 2, 4...)
  • snake: assigns the case name in snake case (case_one, case_two...)
  • kebab: assigns the case name in kebab case (case-one, case-two...)
  • camel: assigns the case name in camel case (caseOne, caseTwo...)
  • lower: assigns the case name in lower case (caseone, casetwo...)
  • upper: assigns the case name in upper case (CASEONE, CASETWO...)

To overwrite an existing enum, we can include the --force option:

php artisan enum:make App/Enums/Enum CaseOne CaseTwo --force

php artisan enum:make App/Enums/Enum CaseOne CaseTwo -f

We can generate the TypeScript counterpart of the newly created enum by adding the --typescript option:

php artisan enum:make App/Enums/Enum CaseOne CaseTwo --typescript

php artisan enum:make App/Enums/Enum CaseOne CaseTwo -t

💙 enum:ts

The ts command converts enums to their TypeScript equivalents, ensuring backend and frontend synchronization:

php artisan enum:ts

If we don't provide any argument, a prompt appears to choose which enums to synchronize. Or, we can simply use the --all option to synchronize all enums:

php artisan enum:ts --all

php artisan enum:ts -a

Alternatively, we can provide one or more enums directly to the enum:ts command. Both slashes and quoted backslashes are acceptable for defining enum namespaces:

php artisan enum:ts App/Enums/Permissions "App\Enums\PayoutStatuses"

By default, enums are synchronized to resources/js/enums/index.ts, but this can be easily customized:

use Cerbero\LaravelEnum\Enums;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot(): void
        // custom static path

        // custom dynamic path
        Enums::setTypeScript(function (string $enum) {
            $domain = explode('\\', $enum)[1];

            return "resources/js/modules/{$domain}/enums.ts";

As shown above, we can either define a static path for TypeScript enums or dynamically set the TypeScript path for an enum based on its namespace.

To update enums that have already been synchronized, we can use the --force option:

php artisan enum:ts App/Enums/Enum --force

php artisan enum:ts App/Enums/Enum -f

📆 Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

🧪 Testing

composer test

💞 Contributing

Please see CONTRIBUTING and CODE_OF_CONDUCT for details.

🧯 Security

If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.

🏅 Credits

⚖️ License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


🎲 Laravel package to supercharge enum functionalities.




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