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David Ortner edited this page Feb 19, 2025 · 18 revisions

IOptionalBrowserSettings represents the settings of the browser sent to the constructor.


interface IOptionalBrowserSettings


import { Browser } from "happy-dom";

const browser = new Browser({
    settings: {
        navigator: : {
           userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HappyDOM/2.0.0"


Property Type Default Description
disableJavaScriptEvaluation? boolean false Disables JavaScript evaluation.
disableJavaScriptFileLoading? boolean false Disables JavaScript file loading.
disableCSSFileLoading? boolean false Disables CSS file loading.
disableComputedStyleRendering? boolean false Disables computed style rendering.
handleDisabledFileLoadingAsSuccess? boolean false Set to "true" to trigger a load event instead of an error event when file loading is disabled.
errorCapture? BrowserErrorCaptureEnum "tryAndCatch" Error capturing policy.
navigation.disableMainFrameNavigation? boolean false Disables navigation to other pages in the main frame or a page.
navigation.disableChildFrameNavigation? boolean false Disables navigation to other pages in child frames (such as iframes).
navigation.disableChildPageNavigation? boolean false Disables navigation to other pages in child pages (such as popup windows).
navigation.disableFallbackToSetURL? boolean false Disables the fallback to setting the URL when navigating to a page is disabled or when inside a detached browser frame.
navigation.crossOriginPolicy? BrowserNavigationCrossOriginPolicyEnum "anyOrigin" Sets the policy for cross-origin navigation.
navigator.userAgent? string User agent based on the Node.js process. "HappyDOM/{version}" is added to the string to be able to detect that the browser is Happy DOM.
navigator.maxTouchPoints? number 0 Max touch points.
timer.maxTimeout? number -1 (disabled) Sets the maximum time a timeout is allowed to have. This can improve load times if the environment has long running timers.
timer.maxIntervalTime? number -1 (disabled) Sets the maximum time an interval is allowed to have. This can improve load times if the environment has long running intervals.
timer.maxIntervalIterations? number -1 (disabled) Sets the maximum number of interval iterations. This can unblock environments from completing loading.
timer.preventTimerLoops? boolean false Set to "true" to prevent timer loops (e.g. a setTimeout() calling itself to initialize a new setTimeout()). This has a performance impact as the call stack of each timer will be stored to match against.
device.prefersColorScheme? string "light" Prefers color scheme.
device.mediaType? string "screen" Media type.
device.prefersReducedMotion? string "no-preference" Prefers reduced motion.
device.forcedColors? string "none" Forced colors ("active" or "none")
fetch.disableSameOriginPolicy? boolean false Disables the same-origin policy for fetch requests.
fetch.interceptor? IFetchInterceptor Intercept fetch requests and responses using hooks
fetch.virtualServers? IVirtualServer[] Simulate local HTTP servers that serves files from the file system
debug.traceWaitUntilComplete? number -1 Sets a time in ms for when waitUntilComplete() should timeout and reject the promise with an error containing which tasks that have not completed and the stack traces for them.
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