Additional validators for [Prismatic's Schema] (
[schema-contrib "0.1.3"]
(ns my-ns
(:require [schema.core :as s]
[schema-contrib.core :as sc]))
(s/validate sc/Country "us")
(s/validate sc/Country-Keyword :us)
(s/validate sc/Date "2014-01-01")
(s/validate sc/Email "[email protected]")
(s/validate sc/Language "en")
(s/validate sc/Language-Keyword :en)
(s/validate sc/ISO-Date-Time "2014-04-01T20:17:35+00:00")
(s/validate sc/Time "05:00")
(s/validate sc/URI "")
(s/validate sc/URI-Reference "relative/path/to/resource.txt")
If you're generating your schema with [test.check] ( and [schema-gen] (, we have some generators, and are working on more.
(ns my-ns
(:require [clojure.test.check.generators :as gen]
[schema-contrib.gen :as scgen]))
(gen/sample scgen/country 5) ; => ("BY" "GF" "MA" "CD" "LB")
(gen/sample scgen/country-keyword 5) ; => (:CI :PT :SZ :VU :BN)
(gen/sample scgen/language 5) ; => ("vo" "br" "oj" "lu" "ss")
(gen/sample scgen/language-keyword 5) ; => (:cr :hu :ak :ki :mk)
- More validators
- More Unicode email validation support
- ClojureScript support
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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.