- A Python >= 3.7 above interpreter
- Arduino IDE with support for ESP32 board
- Copy assets/config-template to assets/config then fill in their respective values
- Install nginx server and copy smartpod-nginx.conf in assets/nginx directory to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ directory.
- Inside smartpod-nginx.conf file change the /home/pi/Documents/SP/IOT-Security/IOT-Security-MiniProject/Secured-End-to-End-IoT-for-Door-Entry-System/ directory in ssl_password_file, ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key parameters to where you downloaded this project to.
Install Python Libraries in requirements.txt then run app.py file
open POD_SYSTEM directory in Arduino IDE and upload to ESP32 board. Do note to change the IP Address in POD_SYSTEM.ino with IP Address of Webserver