This is a opinionated implementation of a common Connector module for all of our official components and optionally for users of our platform that intend to write client applications in Go. It provides an abstraction for plain Sarama and has support for consuming topics as well as producing to multiple topics, all while converting any message according to our protobuf definition for Flow messages (which is based on goflow's definition).
package main
import (
kafka ""
var kafkaConn = kafka.Connector{}
func main() {
fmt.Printf("welcome... let's go!\n")
// prepare all variables
broker := ",[::1]:9092" // TODO: set valid uris
topic := []string{"flow-messages-anon"}
consumerGroup := "anon-golang-example"
kafkaConn.SetAuthAnon() // optionally: change to SetAuthFromEnv() or SetAuth(user string, pass string)
kafkaConn.EnablePrometheus(":2112") // optionally open up for monitoring
// ensure a clean exit
sigchan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sigchan, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
fmt.Println("Signal caught, exiting...")
// receive flows
kafkaConn.StartConsumer(broker, topic, consumerGroup, sarama.OffsetNewest)
var flowCounter, byteCounter uint64
for flow := range kafkaConn.ConsumerChannel() {
// process the flow here ...
byteCounter += flow.GetBytes()
fmt.Printf("\rflows: %d, bytes: %d GB", flowCounter, byteCounter/1024/1024/1024)
Check out processor_splitter, it is very simple and consumes a single topic while producing to multiple target topics.