Development has shifted to SciRuby/rb-gsl.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.
Ruby/GSL is a Ruby interface to the GNU Scientific Library (GSL), for numerical computing with Ruby.
Ruby/GSL may be installed as a Ruby Gem by simply running
gem install rb-gsl
Note that the GSL libraries must already be installed before Ruby/GSL can be installed:
Debian/Ubuntu: +libgsl0-dev+ Fedora/SuSE: +gsl-devel+ Gentoo: +sci-libs/gsl+ OS X: brew install gsl
It is recommended to install the GNU plotutils package. Some of the example scripts in the +examples/+ directory use the +graph+ utility included in the package to plot the results. Windows cygwin binaries of GNU plotutils and related packages are available here.
The Ruby/GSL reference manual follows and borrows large parts of the GSL reference manual.
See scripts in +examples/+ and +test/+ directories.
- gsl-nmatrix: A fork of Ruby/GSL with NMatrix support instead of NArray, developed by the SciRuby( project.
- ruby-gsl: Another Ruby binding, developed by Arno Erpenbeck.
Ruby/GSL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
Any bug reports are welcome. If you encounter bugs in Ruby/GSL, please report them on GitHub(
Documentation: Source code: RubyGem: Bug tracker: Travis CI:
- Yoshiki Tsunesada (July, 2004)
- David MacMahon [email protected] (November, 2010)
- Jens Wille mailto:[email protected] (November, 2013)