- Python 3 installed on your computer (check with python --version or python3 --version)
- PIP installed on your computer (should be installed already if Python 3 is installed)
Steps to set up bot:
- Open the .env file in the project directory
- Follow instructions here to get bot token:
- Put bot token in 'DISCORD_TOKEN' section of .env file
- Go here:
- Go to bottom and click 'create app'
- Select 'script' as the application type, enter anything for the other fields (ex. https://localhost:8080 for urls)
- Click 'create app', then copy the app token (2 underneath the app title) and put it in the .env under 'REDDIT_ID'
- Copy the 'secret' field from your Reddit app and put it in the .env under 'REDDIT_SECRET'
- Put your Reddit username and password in the .env file under 'REDDIT_USER' and 'REDDIT_PASS'
- Run the install script in the terminal by typing pip3 install -r requirements.txt (if that doesn't work try replacing pip3 with pip)
- Run the bot by typing python3 (if your default Python is already v3 just type python
How to use the bot:
- First, type !start in the channel where you want the bot to send messages (can be in a direct message to the bot)
- The bot will now send you new posts from /r/MemeEconomy
- To invest in a post, type !invest , where is the id of the post (given whenever the bot sends notification of a new post) and is the amount of coins to invest
- To turn auto-investing in posts on/off, type !auto <true/false> (this feature is still under development)
- To get your current amount of coins, type !coins
If you have any questions/issues, create a new issue on this repository