Changes since 8.9.0
8b3a998 Release @rules_java
784f519 Update java_tools
3d75749 Internal change
e829603 Add a separate config for Bazel 8 to rules_java CI
fca8eb9 Add a test that java_binary(stamp = -1)
does not override default stamping
fe2e139 Add a test for java_common.compile() with a custom bootclasspathinfo and empty bootclasspath
8b95028 Add a test for java_common.compile() with a custom bootclasspath
2ffef4a Add another test for extending compile time jdeps
3bed9dc Add a test for extending compile time jdeps
5d4442e Add a test for java_common.JavaPluginInfo
31566a6 Internal change
f5748b3 Add a test for java_common.compile()
832cf12 Internal change
eb4d15a Add a test for java_common.compile
with exports and no sources
250bbdc Switch rules_java back to more named params (quasi-rollback of unknown commit)
31edc44 Add make variables for runfiles location of $(JAVABASE) to support --no_legacy_external_runfiles. (#272)
02ab5e6 Delete toolchains/BUILD.java_tools.
ea19ca4 Add a test for java_common.compile(sourcepath = ...)
6090866 Extract legacy native symbols to a separate bzl file
290ffee Migrate javaLibrary_propagatesDirectCcLinkingInformation
to Starlark
b57046a Migrate the javaInfo_exposesCcLinkingInformation
test to Starlark
af504cf Rename extra_processor_classes
to processor_classes
for processor bundle support
6f2db13 Enforce checkLegalityOfPluginOptions
check on -AgeneratesKotlin
MODULE.bazel setup
bazel_dep(name = "rules_java", version = "8.10.0")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
name = "rules_java",
urls = [
sha256 = "476bd403f284e5080037f1910a29ce4c482ac798a3560c2e0df6d6f1857011b6",
load("@rules_java//java:rules_java_deps.bzl", "rules_java_dependencies")
# note that the following line is what is minimally required from protobuf for the java rules
# consider using the protobuf_deps() public API from @com_google_protobuf//:protobuf_deps.bzl
load("@com_google_protobuf//bazel/private:proto_bazel_features.bzl", "proto_bazel_features") # buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
proto_bazel_features(name = "proto_bazel_features")
# register toolchains
load("@rules_java//java:repositories.bzl", "rules_java_toolchains")
Using the rules
See the source.