Create a challenge. Ready? Brainstorm. mindwendel helps you to easily brainstorm and upvote ideas and thoughts within your team. Built from scratch with Phoenix.
- 5 minute setup (It is not a joke)
- Anonymously invite people to your brainstormings - no registration needed. Usernames are optional!
- Easily create and upvote ideas, with live updates from your mindwendel members
- Cluster or filter your ideas with custom labels
- Preview of links to ease URL sharing
- Add automatically encrypted file attachments which are uploaded to an S3 compatible storage backend
- Add lanes, use drag & drop to order ideas
- Add comments to ideas
- Export your generated ideas to html or csv (currently comma separated)
- German & English Translation files
- By default, brainstormings are deleted after 30 days to ensure GDPR compliancy
Brainstorm ...
- ... new business ideas
- ... solutions for a problem
- ... what to eat tonight
- ...
mindwendel can be run just about anywhere. So checkout our Installation Guides for detailed instructions for various deployments. The easiest way to deploy and run mindwendel is using our own docker-compose-prod.yml
file. For instructions, see Setup for Production.
If you want to contribute, jump ahead to Development!
To get started with a development installation of mindwendel, follow the instructions below.
mindwendel is built on top of:
- Fork it (
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b fooBar
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin fooBar
) - Create a new Pull Request
Startup docker compose setup
docker compose up --build -d
Setup the database
docker compose exec app mix ecto.setup
Start the server
docker compose exec app mix phx.server
Go to http://localhost:4000/
Open you favorite editor and start developing
Open a shell in the docker container to execute tests, etc.
docker compose exec app bash
Go to http://localhost:4000/
You can extract new strings to translate by running:
mix gettext.extract --merge
Startup docker compose setup
docker compose up --build -d
Run the test
docker compose exec app mix test
Generate self-signed ssl sertificate for the postgres server on the host machine; the generated files are mounted into the docker container
mkdir -p ./ca openssl req -new -text -passout pass:abcd -subj /CN=localhost -out ./ca/server.req -keyout ./ca/privkey.pem openssl rsa -in ./ca/privkey.pem -passin pass:abcd -out ./ca/server.key openssl req -x509 -in ./ca/server.req -text -key ./ca/server.key -out ./ca/server.crt chmod 600 ./ca/server.key test $(uname -s) = Linux && chown 70 ./ca/server.key
Duplicate and rename
Adjust all configs in
, e.g. database settings, ports, disable ssl env vars if necessary -
Start everything at once (including a forced build):
docker compose --file docker-compose-prod.yml --env-file up -d --build --force-recreate
Open the browser and go to
- The url has to match the env var
; so http://localhost will not work when yourURL_HOST=
- The mindwendel production configuration is setup to enforce ssl, see Mindwendel.Endpoint configuration in
- The mindwendel production configuration supports deployment behind a reverse porxy (load balancer) by parsing the proper protocol from the x-forwarded-* header of incoming requests, see
- If you are having troubles during setup, please raise an issue.
- Build the docker image based on our Dockerfile
docker build -t mindwendel_prod .
We are using Elixir's built-in formatter.
- Check if the code is properly formatted
mix format --check-formatted
- Automatically format the code
mix format
Mindwendel includes a job runner that deletes old brainstormings after a defined number of days. This can be controlled with the setting MW_FEATURE_BRAINSTORMING_REMOVAL_AFTER_DAYS
, which can be set to for instance to 30
File storage is available through an s3 compatible object storage backend. An encryption key (VAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY_BASE64
) needs to be generated before, e.g.:
32 |> :crypto.strong_rand_bytes() |> Base.encode64()
openssl rand -base64 32
Then, object storage and the vault key need to be set:
There is an example given inside the docker-compose.yml
with a docker compose minio setup.
To deactivate file storage, use MW_FEATURE_IDEA_FILE_UPLOAD
(defaults to true
) and set it to false
If you want to display some teasers and help for your brainstorming, use MW_FEATURE_BRAINSTORMING_TEASER
and set it to true
Currently, there are two language files available, german (de
) and english (en
). To set the default_locale, you can set MW_DEFAULT_LOCALE
. The default is english.
kits is a project platform hosted by a public institution for quality development in schools (Lower Saxony, Germany) and focusses on digital tools and media in language teaching. mindwendel is used in workshops to activate prior knowledge, and collect and structure ideas. In addition, mindwendel can be found on and can be used by schools for free. More info on how to use it can be found in this post
Logos and text provided with courtesy of kits.
- Lightbulb stock image by LED Supermarket at Pexels:
- Lightbulb, Pexels / CC0:,
- GitHub Logo: