This is official Appodeal Cordova plugin, created to support Appodeal SDK with Apache Cordova. Use it in case if you receive "method ID not in [0, 0xffff]: 65536" build error with other versions.
- Download new Appodeal Android SDK here maxdex build and unzip it somewhere.
- Copy jars except
(it is needed for native ads witch is not supported by Cordova plugin) intolibs/Android
. - aar libraries from
folder should be unzipped and composed into ant libraries, you can check how it should be structured on existing libraries in Android folder. - Open
file, scroll down to the end of android platform tag, editsource-file
tags (it should be equal to the jar names, you've put intolibs/Android
folder) andframework
tags (should be equal to the library folders, you've composed from aar libraries). - Copy new
tags from Appodeal Android Docs page and replace old with new inside<config-file parent="/manifest/application" target="AndroidManifest.xml">
. - Check for any API changes.
- Done, you can use updated plugin for Android Platform.
- Download new Appodeal iOS SDK here and unzip it somewhere.
- Remove Adapters folder and Appodeal.bundle. Replace old
with new one and putResources
folder if exists into libs/iOS/Appodeal. - Open plugin.xml, scroll down to
<platform name="ios">
and check system frameworks for any changes due to changes in 3 Step of 5.3 Manual Integration in Appodeal iOS Doc page. - Remove all the content after
<framework custom="true" src="libs/iOS/Appodeal/Appodeal.framework"/>
in plugin.xml up to</platform>
close tag. - Skip this step if unzipped iOS SDK does not contain
folder. Add all resources fromResources
folder of unzipped iOS SDK manually after<framework custom="true" src="libs/iOS/Appodeal/Appodeal.framework"/>
, for example:
<resource-file src="libs/iOS/Appodeal/Resources/MPCloseBtn.png"/>
- Check AppodealPlugin.m for any API changes.
- Done, you can use updated plugin for iOS Platform.
Simply go to the project folder over console/terminal and run there following command:
cordova plugin add
Google Play Services (v10+) already included to plugin dependencies.
If you have issues while installing plugin, follow the Command-line Interface Guide.
Minimum OS requirements:
- iOS 8.1
- Android API level 14 (Android OS 4.0)
Appodeal Cordova Plugin includes:
- Android Appodeal SDK version 2.1.11
- iOS Appodeal SDK version 2.1.10
- Appodeal.BANNER
Ad types can be combined using "|" operator. For example Appodeal.INTERSTITIAL | Appodeal.NON_SKIPPABLE_VIDEO.
To initialize SDK for INTERSTITIAL ad type, call the following code:
var appKey = "e7e04e54ae0a8d28cff2f7e7e7d094e78b2a09743be2cc4a";
Appodeal.initialize(appKey, Appodeal.INTERSTITIAL);
- To initialize only interstitials use
Appodeal.initialize(appKey, Appodeal.INTERSTITIAL)
- To initialize only rewarded video use
Appodeal.initialize(appKey, Appodeal.REWARDED_VIDEO)
- To initialize only non-skippable video use
Appodeal.initialize(appKey, Appodeal.NON_SKIPPABLE_VIDEO)
- To initialize interstitials and non-skippable videos use
Appodeal.initialize(appKey, Appodeal.INTERSTITIAL | Appodeal.NON_SKIPPABLE_VIDEO)
- To initialize only banners use
Appodeal.initialize(appKey, Appodeal.BANNER)
To display ad you need to call the following code:;
- To display interstitial use
- To display rewarded video use
- To display non-skippable video use
- To display interstitial or non-skippable video use | Appodeal.NON_SKIPPABLE_VIDEO)
- To display banner at the bottom of the screen use
- To display banner at the top of the screen use
Also it can be used in this way, to get boolean value if ad was successfully shown:, function(result) {
// result is a boolean value, that is indicates whether show call was passed to appropriate SDK
To check if ad type was loaded, use following code:
Appodeal.isLoaded(adTypes, function(result){
// result returns bool value
To hide banner you need to call the following code:
To set Interstitial callbacks, use following code:
Appodeal.setInterstitialCallbacks( function(container) {
if (container.event == 'onLoaded') {
console.log("Appodeal. Interstitial. " + container.event + ", isPrecache: " + container.isPrecache );
// your code
} else if (container.event == 'onFailedToLoad') {
// your code
} else if (container.event == 'onShown') {
// your code
} else if (container.event == 'onClick') {
// your code
} else if (container.event == 'onClosed') {
// your code
To set Banner callbacks, use following code:
Appodeal.setBannerCallbacks( function(container) {
if (container.event == 'onLoaded') {
console.log("Appodeal. Banner. " + container.event + ", height: " + container.height + ", isPrecache: " + container.isPrecache);
// your code
} else if (container.event == 'onFailedToLoad') {
// your code
} else if (container.event == 'onShown') {
// your code
} else if (container.event == 'onClick') {
// your code
To set Rewarded Video callbacks, use following code:
Appodeal.setRewardedVideoCallbacks( function(container) {
if (container.event == 'onLoaded') {
// your code
} else if (container.event == 'onFailedToLoad') {
// your code
} else if (container.event == 'onShown') {
// your code
} else if (container.event == 'onFinished') {
// container also returns "name" and "amount" variables with reward amount and currency name you have set for your application
console.log( "Appodeal. Rewarded. " + container.event + ", amount: " + container.amount + ", name: " +;
// your code
} else if (container.event == 'onClosed') {
// container also returns "finished" variable with boolean value for indicating if video was finished
console.log("Appodeal. Rewarded. " + container.event + ", finished: " + container.finished);
// your code
To set Non Skippable Video callbacks, use following code:
Appodeal.setNonSkippableVideoCallbacks( function(container) {
if (container.event == 'onLoaded') {
// your code
} else if (container.event == 'onFailedToLoad') {
// your code
} else if (container.event == 'onShown') {
// your code
} else if (container.event == 'onFinished') {
// your code
} else if (container.event == 'onClosed') {
// container also returns "finished" variable with boolean value for indicating if video was finished
console.log("Appodeal. Non Skippable Video. " + container.event + ", finished: " + container.finished);
// your code
To get placement reward data before video is shown use:
Appodeal.getRewardParameters( function(result) {
console.log("Appodeal Reward Amount:" + result.amount);
console.log("Appodeal Reward Currency:" + result.currency);
To enable 728*90 banner use the following method:
To disable banner refresh animation use:
In test mode test ads will be shown and debug data will be written to log.
Available parameters: Appodeal.LogLevel.none, Appodeal.LogLevel.debug, Appodeal.LogLevel.verbose.
Appodeal.isPrecache(adTypes, function(result){
// result is a boolean value, that equals true if ad is precache
Currently supported only for interstitials and banners
To check if loaded interstitial is precache: use Appodeal.isPrecache(Appodeal.INTERSTITIAL);
To check if loaded banner is precache: use Appodeal.isPrecache(Appodeal.BANNER);
- You should disable automatic caching before SDK initialization using
setAutoCache(adTypes, false)
. - To cache interstitial use
- To cache rewarded video use
- To cache interstitial and non-skippable video use
Appodeal.cache(Appodeal.INTERSTITIAL | Appodeal.NON_SKIPPABLE_VIDEO)
- To cache banner use
Appodeal.setAutoCache(adTypes, false);
- Should be used before SDK initialization
- To disable automatic caching for interstitials use
Appodeal.setAutoCache(Appodeal.INTERSTITIAL, false)
- To disable automatic caching for rewarded videos use
Appodeal.setAutoCache(Appodeal.REWARDED_VIDEO, false)
- To disable automatic caching for banners use
Appodeal.setAutoCache(Appodeal.BANNER, false)
Appodeal.setTriggerOnLoadedOnPrecache(adTypes, true);
- Currently supported only for interstitials
setOnLoadedTriggerBoth(Appodeal.INTERSTITIAL, false)
- onInterstitialLoaded will trigger only when normal ad was loaded (default)..setOnLoadedTriggerBoth(Appodeal.INTERSTITIAL, true)
- onInterstitialLoaded will trigger twice, both when precache and normal ad were loaded..- Should be used before SDK initialization
Available parameters: "adcolony", "admob", "amazon_ads", "applovin", "appnext", "avocarrot", "chartboost", "facebook", "flurry", "inmobi", "inner-active", "ironsource", "mailru", "mmedia", "mopub", "ogury", "openx", "pubnative", "smaato", "startapp", "tapjoy", "unity_ads", "vungle", "yandex"
Should be used before SDK initialization
To disable toast messages ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission is missing, use the following method:
Should be used before SDK initialization.
To disable toast messages WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is missing use the following method:
Disables all ad networks that need this permission may lead to low video fillrates.
Should be used before SDK initialization.
Appodeal.trackInAppPurchase(this, 5, "USD");
To show test screen for testing adapters integration call:
Possible values: Appodeal.Gender.FEMALE, Appodeal.Gender.MALE, Appodeal.Gender.OTHER.
3.0.5 (21.04.2018)
- Appodeal iOS SDK updated to 2.1.10
- Appodeal Android SDK updated to 2.1.11
- Ogury for Android added as required library