This is a theme for Domoticz in machinon project. Theme in progress with project machinon:
- In Progress
- 1.- Selector boxes, need update design -> Eddie
- 2.- Hardware page and devices need updating -> guidelines in Zeplin
- 3.- Tiles with new text and bigger size values -> Eddie -> Zeplin
- 4.- Settings page re-design -> Eddie
- 5.- When a device is offline the tile should fade off, is this possible? -> Zeplin
- 6.- Timers screen -> Eddie -> Zeplin
- 7.- Charts screens -> Eddie -> Zeplin
- 8.- Remove go back button from design on settings -> Eddie
Ideas (wish list)
- In Progress
- 1.- Custom merge multiple metrics into one tile (ie: energy + trigger switch)
- 2.- Dark theme -> Work in progress
On your Raspberry Pi, in Domoticz theme directory :
cd /home/${USER}/domoticz/www/styles
git clone machinon
sudo /etc/init.d/ restart
In Domoticz version before 4.10393 the tabs for switches, scenes and utility is width is not correct.
There is modified html files in ../machinon/views
to replace files in ../www/views
cd /home/${USER}/domoticz/www/styles/machinon
git pull
cd domoticz/www/styles
git clone machinon-beta
cd machinon-beta
git checkout beta
Suggested new setup layout - partly implemented
A lot of the problems users experience after a domoticz update are gone when the browsercache and appcache are cleared. There are also quite a number of posts on this forum related to these kind of problems.
To summarize and sorted from little effort to a bit more effort take these steps and check after each step if it address the issues you encounter.
clear browser cache and appcache Chrome: chrome://appcache-internals/# Firefox:
in www/js look for domoticz.js.gz, if its there remove it, (KEEP domoticz.js !! )
use incognito mode using Chrome [control] [shift] n Firefox: [control] [shift] p
restart domoticz
rename the location of the original installation and install the new version to an empty target directory. Next copy database and scripts from the old location and fire it up.