This project is centered around the simulation of a stock market environment through the utilization of distributed systems and a message broker for seamless communication among different components of the system. In this simulation, producers generate synthetic stock price data as well as buy and sell orders, while consumers execute these orders and ensure the system stays up-to-date.
The system offers APIs that allow traders to list their orders, review their portfolio, and create new orders for buying or selling. Additionally, it provides APIs for accessing information on available stock instruments, including their last traded price and more.
As part of its design, the system incorporates observability features, enabling the tracking of various aspects within the system. This enhances transparency and facilitates in-depth analysis of its functioning.
Please note that this simulation is a simplified version and might not represent real-world trading conditions or all aspects of a complex stock market.
mvn clean install
Start docker containers:
make start-docker
Start Java apps:
make start-apps
With all services up, access:
Description | Port/Link | Additional Info |
Postgres | 5432 | |
Postgres UI | http://localhost:5050 | U: [email protected] P: admin |
Kafka UI | http://localhost:8080 | |
Redis UI | http://localhost:8050 | |
Grafana UI | http://localhost:3000 | |
Keycloak | http://localhost:9000 | |
Eureka Service Registry | http://localhost:9900 | |
Spring Boot Admin | http://localhost:9800 | |
Auth Service | http://localhost:9901/docs | |
Ticker Service | http://localhost:9902/docs | |
Order Service | http://localhost:9903/docs | |
App UI | http://localhost:9910 | U: test P: test |
Generate traffic:
make traffic
Stop apps:
make stop-apps
Stop docker containers:
make stop-docker
flowchart LR
as[Auth Server]
ts[Ticker Server]
os[Order Server]
script -->|Calls API| ts;
script -->|Calls API| os;
ts --> as;
os --> as;
r --> ts;
os --> k
ts --> db;
os --> db;
p -->|Generate synthetic Orders| k;
k -->|Consumes Orders| c;
r -->|Instrument price lookup| c;
Service Details via Service Registry:
Service Logs via Service Registry:
Central Dashboard - Service Logs:
Central Dashboard - Stats of HTTP Requests (Latency/Throughput):
- Filter by URLs of a selected service/application on
HTTP Stats
Grafana Dashboard - Instrumentation of Redis APIs
- Instrumentation of consumer
- Traffic via API gateway by applying auth filters