- Clone This Project
git clone https://github.com/alanStocco/django-event-manager
- Go to Project Directory
cd django-event-manager
- Create a Virtual Environment
python3 -m venv env
- Activate Virtual Environment
source env/bin/activate
- Install Requirements Package
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Go to base Directory
cd base
- Migrate Database
python manage.py migrate
- Create Super User
python manage.py createsuperuser
- Finally Run The Project
python manage.py runserver
The task consists in creating a Rest API using Django rest framework https://www.django-rest-framework.org/ create an Event manager app. It should allow users to create a personal account, log in, and create, edit, fetch, and register to attend events. Each event should have at least a name, a description, a start date and end date and a list of attendees.
Users must be able to register an account
Users must be able to log in into their account
A system of token rotation must be implemented. For this the API needs to provide a user with access_token and a refresh_token, as well as a way to refresh and validate the access_token. The lifetime of the access_token should be 1 hour and the lifetime of the refresh_token 1 day
Users must be able to create events in the app's database (slqlite)
Users must be able to see the list of events they have created
Users must be able to see a list of all events
Users must be able to edit the events they have created but not the ones created by other users
Users must be able to register to an event or un-register. This can only be done in future events and not in past events.
Add logic to manage an event capacity: if event reaches maximum number of registered attendees, an error should be returned to a user trying to register
Add some filtering to endpoints retrieving events (e.g. date , type, status, past events, future events, etc)
-- (26/05/23)In progress
Documentation of your code. Google style docstring https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html
API docs swagger TODO finish
Tests TODO unit_test, pytest? What else?
Create a frontend to consume the API TODO