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JavaScript Style Guide License: MIT

A Vue.js wrapper for Swing. Swing is a swipeable cards interface. The swipe-left/swipe-right for yes/no input. As seen in apps like Jelly and Tinder, and many others.


npm install --save vue-swing2


import VueSwing from 'vue-swing2'

Vue.component('vue-swing', VueSwing)
  <div class="box">Throw me!</div>


VueSwing takes in one config Object, which can consist of any of these keys:

Name Description Default
isThrowOut Invoked in the event of dragend. Determines if element is being thrown out of the stack. Element is considered to be thrown out when throwOutConfidence is equal to 1.
allowedDirections Array of directions in which cards can be thrown out. [VueSwing.Direction.DOWN, VueSwing.Direction.LEFT, VueSwing.Direction.RIGHT, VueSwing.Direction.UP].
throwOutConfidence Invoked in the event of dragmove. Returns a value between 0 and 1 indicating the completeness of the throw out condition. Ration of the absolute distance from the original card position and element width.
throwOutDistance Invoked when card is added to the stack. The card is thrown to this offset from the stack. The value is a random number between minThrowOutDistance and maxThrowOutDistance.
minThrowOutDistance In effect when throwOutDistance is not overwritten. 450.
maxThrowOutDistance In effect when throwOutDistance is not overwritten. 500.
rotation Invoked in the event of dragmove. Determine the rotation of the element. Rotation is equal to the proportion of horizontal and vertical offset times the maximumRotation constant.
maxRotation In effect when rotation is not overwritten. 20.
transform Invoked in the event of dragmove and every time the physics solver is triggered. Uses CSS transform to translate element position and rotation.

For more information, look at Swing's documentation


Name Description
throwout When card has been thrown out of the stack.
throwoutend When card has been thrown out of the stack and the animation has ended.
throwoutdown Shorthand for throwout event in the VueSwing.Direction.DOWN direction.
throwoutleft Shorthand for throwout event in the VueSwing.Direction.LEFT direction.
throwoutright Shorthand for throwout event in the VueSwing.Direction.RIGHT direction.
throwoutup Shorthand for throwout event in the VueSwing.Direction.UP direction.
throwin When card has been thrown into the stack.
throwinend When card has been thrown into the stack and the animation has ended.
dragstart Hammer panstart.
dragmove Hammer panmove.
dragend Hammer panend.
destroyCard When card.destroy calls stack.destroyCard.

For more information, look at Swing's documentation


Vue.js wrapper for Swing







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  • Vue 72.1%
  • JavaScript 27.9%