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Work in progress, without any warranty

Framework for station similarity classification.

Two stations, marked by 3 station identifiers, in the fictional town of Newton.

Three station identifiers for two stations in the fictional town of Newton, and some of their similarity relationships.


  • python3
  • sklearn
  • matplotlib
  • numpy
  • scipy

Building and Installation

Fetch this repository:

$ git clone
$ cd statsimi

Create virtual environment

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

Build & Install

$ pip install .


Build a classification model classify.mod for Germany (uses a random 20% of the input as training samples per default):

$ wget
$ statsimi model --model_out classify.mod --train germany-latest.osm.bz2

Write a fix file germany.fix for germany-latest.osm based on the previously build model (you can also download the model here):

$ statsimi fix --model classify.mod --fix_out germany.fix --test germany-latest.osm.bz2

Pre-trained models

We provide some pre-trained models here.

General Usage

statsimi can be used to train and output a reusable classification model, to start a classification HTTP server or to evaluate methods against some dataset.

The following basic commands are supported:

  • model (write a classification model for the given input data to a file)
  • evaluate (test the given model or the given approach against a ground truth)
  • fix (write a file with fix suggestions and error highlights for the input OSM data)
  • pairs (write just the station pairs file from the input data)
  • http (fire up a classification server for the given model and/or input data)

Build a station pairs file

Instead of parsing the OSM data on each run, it is possible to generate the station pairs file once and use it instead of an OSM file:

$ statsimi pairs --test <input> --pairs_train_out <output>

The pairs file is a tab separated file with the following fields: station1_id, station1_name, station1_lat, station1_lon, station2_id, station2_name, station2_lat, station2_lon, similar.

Example rows:

368	Freiburg, Bertoldsbrunnen	47.9947126	7.8500194	3903	Freiburg Bertoldsbrunnen	47.9951889	7.8501929	1
368	Freiburg, Bertoldsbrunnen	47.9947126	7.8500194	296	Freiburg ZOB Fernbus	47.9957201	7.8403324	0

Train a model

$ statsimi model --train <train_input> -p <train_perc> --model_out <model_file> --method <method>

where method may be one of those listed in statsimi --help.

Classification server

Using a previously trained model, a classification HTTP server can be started like this:

$ statsimi http --model <model_file> --http_port <port>

A GUI for playing around with the model will then be available at http://localhost:<port>.

Classification server GUI.

Classification server GUI

The API backend is at /api. A typical request then looks like this:


The answer will be

{"res": 1}

if the two stations are similar, or

{"res": 0}

if they are not similar.

Evaluate a model

To evaluate a model against a ground truth, use

$ statsimi evaluate --model <model_file> --test <osm_data>

where <model_file> is a pre-trained model and <osm_data> is a OSM file (the ground truth data). statsimi will output precision, recall, F1 score, a confusion matrix and typical true positives, true negatives, false positives and false negatives.

You can also directly evaluate a method without building a model first:

$ statsimi evaluate --train <osm_data> --method=rf -p=0.2

will train on 20% of <osm_data> and test the model against the remaining 80%.

Fix OSM data

To fix OSM data, use

$ statsimi fix --model <model_file> --test <osm_data> --fix_out <fix_file>

where <model_file> is a pre-trained model and <osm_data> is an OSM file containing the data to be fixed. statsimi will analyze the input OSM data and output suggestions to stdout as well as into a file <fix_file> in a machine readable format (TODO: documentation of this format).

As a library

With a pre-trained model:

from statsimi.feature.model_builder import ModelBuilder
from statsimi.feature.feature_builder import FeatureBuilder
from statsimi.feature.stat_ident import StatIdent

mb = ModelBuilder()

model, ngram_idx, fbargs = mb.unpickle("model.lib")

fb = FeatureBuilder(ngram_idx = ngram_idx, topk = ngram_idx[2], **fbargs)

stat1 = StatIdent(name="Main Street", lat=51.52010, lon=-0.14270)
stat2 = StatIdent(name="High Street", lat=51.52035, lon=-0.14140)

res = model.predict(fb.get_feature_vec(stat1, stat2))


Without a pre-trained model:

from statsimi.feature.model_builder import ModelBuilder
from statsimi.feature.feature_builder import FeatureBuilder
from statsimi.feature.stat_ident import StatIdent

mb = ModelBuilder()
model, ngram_idx =["britain-and-ireland-latest.osm.bz2"])

# re-use ngrams from model builder
fb = FeatureBuilder(ngram_idx = ngram_idx, topk = ngram_idx[2])

stat1 = StatIdent(name="Main Street", lat=51.52010, lon=-0.14270)
stat2 = StatIdent(name="High Street", lat=51.52035, lon=-0.14140)

res = model.predict(fb.get_feature_vec(stat1, stat2))
