A useful tool for web links.
Home Page:https://github.com/Yukisama/TextLinkyTool
Firefox Extension:https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/text-linky-tool
Chrome Extension:not yet. cf Chrome bug 328932 and Chrome bug 798169
Copy as plain text.
Copy as HTML source.
Copy Link name & URLs.
Copy Tab name & URLs.
Analyze image URLs of page.
Over 20 actions:
- Copy selected context as pure text
- Copy selected context as HTML source text
- Copy full page context as pure text
- Copy full page context as HTML source text
- Copy Link name
- Copy Link URL
- Copy Link name & URL as format text
- Copy Image URL
- Open Image on new Tab
- Copy Tab name
- Copy Tab URL
- Copy Tab name & URL as format text
- Copy all Tabs info
- Analyze selected context URLs, copy as format text
- Analyze selected context URLs, open to new Tabs
- Analyze selected context image URLs, copy as format text
- Analyze selected context image URLs, show on new Tab
- Analyze selected context a objects, copy as format text
- Analyze selected context img objects, copy as format text
- Analyze full page context URLs, copy as format text
- Analyze full page context URLs, open to new Tabs
- Analyze full page context image URLs, copy as format text
- Analyze full page context image URLs, show on new Tab
- Analyze full page context a objects, copy as format text
- Analyze full page context img objects, copy as format text
... and more