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学音 (Gakuon)

Transform Your Anki Reviews into an Immersive Audio Experience

NPM Version License: MIT

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🎯 Overview

Gakuon (学音) is an innovative AI-powered audio learning system that revolutionizes how you interact with your Anki flashcards. By automatically generating contextual sentences, detailed explanations, and natural speech, Gakuon enables passive learning through immersive audio experiences.

✨ Key Features

  • AI-Powered Content Generation

    • Natural example sentences
    • Multilingual explanations
    • High-quality Text-to-Speech conversion
  • Smart Content Management

    • Efficient caching system
    • Configurable card ordering
    • Keyboard-driven reviews
  • Seamless Integration

    • Standalone CLI for audio generation
    • Built-in web client interface
    • Non-destructive metadata storage


graph TD;
    subgraph "CLI Commands"
      A["gakuon learn: Generate audio and play in terminal"]
    subgraph "Server Mode"
      B["gakuon serve: Instantiate server"]
      C["Built-in Web Client"]
      B --> C


This program would add extra fields to your card type! Understand what you're doing


  • Setup Anki with AnkiConnect locally
  • ffplayer (installed along with ffmpeg)


Install gakuon

npm install -g gakuon

Install ffmpeg (OSX/Linux)

brew install ffmpeg


gakuon learn


Gakuon provides several commands to help you manage and use your audio learning system:


Start an audio-based learning session:

gakuon learn              # Use default or select deck interactively
gakuon learn --deck NAME  # Use specific deck
gakuon learn --debug     # Enable debug logging


Initialize deck configuration interactively:

gakuon init              # Generate config interactively
gakuon init --write      # Save generated config to file
gakuon init --debug      # Enable debug logging


Start the Gakuon HTTP server:

gakuon serve                # Start server on default port 4989
gakuon serve -p 3000        # Use custom port
gakuon serve --debug        # Enable debug logging
gakuon serve --serve-client # Also serve builtint PWA client app


Test deck configuration with sample cards:

gakuon test              # Test default or selected deck
gakuon test --deck NAME  # Test specific deck
gakuon test -n 5         # Test with 5 sample cards (default: 3)
gakuon test --debug      # Enable debug logging


For production deployment using Docker Compose, see the Docker Setup Guide.


To set up the development environment for both server and client:

  1. Install dependencies:
bun install
  1. Start the backend server in development mode:
bun run start
# Alternatively, start the server in debug mode:
bun run start serve -d
  1. For full-stack development, the server will be available along with the built-in PWA client.

  2. Frontend Development: Frontend engineers can work on the client without spinning up the entire backend stack. Instead, start the headless Anki service using the simplified Docker Compose file. This exposes the AnkiConnect API on port 8765, allowing you to run the PWA client in isolation.

    To start the headless Anki service, run:

docker compose -f deployment/compose/docker-compose.simple.yml up -d

Then, start the PWA client development server:

bun run dev:client


Gakuon can be configured using either environment variables (for global settings) or a TOML configuration file (for both global and deck-specific settings).

Environment Variables

Global settings can be configured using these environment variables:

# Global Settings
GAKUON_ANKI_HOST="http://localhost:8765"  # Anki-Connect host
OPENAI_API_KEY="sk-..."                    # OpenAI API key
GAKUON_TTS_VOICE="alloy"                   # TTS voice to use
GAKUON_DEFAULT_DECK="MyDeck"               # Default deck name

GAKUON_OPENAI_CHAT_MODEL="gpt-4o" # Model for chat completions
GAKUON_OPENAI_INIT_MODEL="gpt-4o" # Model for initialization

# Card Order Settings
GAKUON_QUEUE_ORDER="learning_review_new"   # Options: learning_review_new, review_learning_new, new_learning_review, mixed
GAKUON_REVIEW_ORDER="due_date_random"      # Options: due_date_random, due_date_deck, deck_due_date, ascending_intervals, descending_intervals, ascending_ease, descending_ease, relative_overdueness
GAKUON_NEW_CARD_ORDER="deck"               # Options: deck, deck_random_notes, ascending_position, descending_position, random_notes, random_cards

# Base64 encoded full config (optional)
BASE64_GAKUON_CONFIG="..."                 # Base64 encoded TOML config

TOML Configuration File

For more detailed configuration including deck-specific settings, use ~/.gakuon/config.toml:

ankiHost = "http://localhost:8765"
openaiApiKey = "${OPENAI_API_KEY}"  # Will use OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable
ttsVoice = "alloy"
# Optional field. Used with CLI learn command
defaultDeck = "Core 2k/6k Optimized Japanese Vocabulary with Sound Part 01"

baseUrl = ""
chatModel = "gpt-4o"
initModel = "gpt-4o"
ttsModel = "tts-1"

queueOrder = "learning_review_new"
reviewOrder = "due_date_random"
newCardOrder = "deck"

name = "Core 2k/6k Japanese"
pattern = "Core 2k/6k.*Japanese"
fields.word = "Vocabulary-Kanji"
fields.meaning = "Vocabulary-English"
fields.context = "Expression"

prompt = """
Given a Japanese vocabulary card:
- Word: ${word}
- Meaning: ${meaning}
- Context: ${context}

Generate helpful learning content.
example.description = "A natural example sentence using the word"
example.required = true = true
example.locale = "ja-JP"
# Set ttsVoice when use edge-tts
# You can found list by using tools like
example.ttsVoice = "ja-JP-NanamiNeural"

explanation_jp.description = "Simple explanation in Japanese"
explanation_jp.required = true = true
explanation_jp.locale = "ja-JP"

explanation_en.description = "Detailed explanation in English"
explanation_en.required = true = true
explanation_en.locale = "en-US"

usage_notes.description = "Additional usage notes"
usage_notes.required = false = false
