Neovim plugin that visualizes some hints for Go.
- Visualizes signs for interfaces with implementations
- Visualizes signs for interface methods that have implementations
- Visualizes signs for structures that implement interfaces
- Visualizes signs for methods of structures that implement interface methods
- Visualizes signs for comments starting with
. See - Highly customizable plugin
Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:
ft = "go",
cmd = {"GosignsEnable", "GosignsDisable", "GosignsToggle"},
opts = {}, -- for default options. Refer to the configuration section for custom setup.
- LSP with the
server - nvim-treesitter with the
parser installed
Default Settings
---@class gosigns.OptsSignsChar
---@field public char string
---@field public hl string
local OptsSignsChar = {}
---@class gosigns.OptsSigns
---@field public priority integer
---@field public chars table<string, gosigns.OptsSignsChar>
local OptsSigns = {}
---@class gosigns.Opts
---@field public signs gosigns.OptsSigns
local defaults = {
-- Config for signs in left-hand column
signs = {
priority = 10,
-- Config for chars by object types.
-- To turn off the type set `nil` value
chars = {
-- Interfaces with implementations
interface = {
char = "↓",
hl = "Comment",
-- Interface methods that have implementations
method_elem = {
char = "↓",
hl = "Comment",
-- Structures that implement interfaces
struct = {
char = "↑",
hl = "Comment",
-- Structures methods that implement interface methods
method_declaration = {
char = "↑",
hl = "Comment",
-- Comments starting with `go:`. See
go_comment = {
char = "⭘",
hl = "Comment",
- Enable gosigns:GosignsDisable
- Disable gosigns:GosignsToggle
- Toggle gosigns
-- Enable gosigns
-- Disable gosigns
-- Toggle gosigns
-- Redraw gosigns for bufnr
Check out my neovim configuration.
PRs and Issues are always welcome.
Author: @Yu-Leo
Visualizes Go struct and interface implementations to the right of the definition.
It was taken as the basis of my plugin. I express my gratitude to @maxandron.