EFI files for HP Spectre X360 15-bl112dx
MacOS Catalina 10.15.6
Clover Version v5120
配置 Parts | 参数 Details |
电脑型号 Computer Model | HP Spectre X360 15-bl112dx |
CPU | i7-8550U |
显卡 Graphics card | UHD620 |
声卡 Audio | Realtek ALC295 (Injected ID:3) |
内建显示器 Display | 4K 触摸屏 Touch |
网卡蓝牙 WiFi | DW1560 |
内存 RAM | 8G * 2 |
硬盘 SSD | 海康威视 Hikvision C2000 Pro 512GB |
BIOS | v.41(v.40 Tested) |
- 升级kexts和Clover
Update kexts and Clover. - 放入itlwm.kext和相应Intel蓝牙驱动,以便于部分想要尝试Intel无线网卡的朋友操作,更多信息可以访问OpenIntelWireless
Add itlwm.kext and Intel bluetooth injection kexts, for anyone who want have a try on Intel wireless card, please visit OpenIntelWireless for more information. I am not sure those kexts could work.
- IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext
- IntelBluetoothInjector.kext
- itlwm.kext
- 升级kexts和Clover
Update kexts and Clover. - 将放置在LE的Kext移动到Clover对应目录,因为部分新Kext在LE下会导致无法启动
Move the Kexts placed in LE to the corresponding directory of Clover, because some new Kexts will not start under LE.
- 升级kexts,并重新开始使用VoodooI2CHID.kext,触摸屏已正常
Update kexts and use VoodooI2CHID.kext again, touchscreen now works as expected. - 显卡注入
in devices property to fix black screen after wakeup.
- 使用 OcQuirks 代替 AptioMemoryFix 修复 Clover 内存分配
Fix memory by OcQuirks insteads of AptioMemoryFix. - 升级Clover到5106
Update Clover to version 5106.
- 打上IRQ补丁以解决部分音频问题
Apply IRQ Fix in DSDT to fix some minor audio issues. - 取消
mode and reduce the wait time before OS booting. - 更新AirportBrcmFixup.kext并删除不使用的kext
Update AirportBrcmFixup.kext and delete useless kexts.
- 禁用触摸屏,因为更新MacOS系统后触摸屏和触摸板有冲突,触屏会取代触摸板工作,而ApplePS2SmartTouchPad并不能提供良好的防误触功能
Disabled TouchScreen cause only Touchscreen can working after upgrading macOS, you can still use ApplePS2SmartTouchPad to activte touchpad but with loss of many functions. - 再次修正DSDT,解决关机重启问题
Fix DSDT to solve reboot after shotdown
- 变更内存补丁为AptioMemoryFix.efi和EmuVariableUefi.efi以修复关机后自动重启的问题
Change Memory Fix EFI files to AptioMemoryFix and EmuVariableUefi to solve shutdown = reboot - 变更声卡注入ID为3
Change Audio Injected ID to 3 from 14 - 升级系统至MacOS Catalina 10.15.3
Upgrade MacOS version to acOS Catalina 10.15.3
- 变更FakeSMC为VirtualSMC,并修改配套Kexts
Change FakeSMC to VirtualSMC, as well as relative kexts and efi - 成功驱动触摸屏
Touch Screen available now - 变更触摸板驱动为魔改版ApplePS2SmartTouchPad
Change touchpad kexts VoodooPS2Controller to MOD ApplePS2SmartTouchPad.kext - 更新了Clover到5103
Upgrade Clover to 5103 - 修改了部分DSDT和SSDT
Modified DSDT and SSDT - 升级了驱动到截止2020年1月21日最新的版本
Upgrade Kexts to the latest version(2020.1.21) - 附带了放置在LE中的Kexts
Attached kexts located in /Library/Extensions - 升级系统至MacOS Catalina 10.15.2
Upgrade MacOS version to acOS Catalina 10.15.2
- CPU 变频 Frequency
- 4K显示及硬件加速 4K Display & Hardware Acceleration
- 无线功能 WiFi
- HDMI接口输出 HDMI Port Output
- 触摸板 Trackpad
- 声卡 Audio
- 睡眠 Sleep
- 触摸屏 Touch Screen
- FN 小太阳亮度调整
FN key support brightness adjust.
- Type-C 转 HDMI 输出会导致重启(HDMI接口可正常输出)
Type-c external display will cause reboot(HDMI Port works well) - 蓝牙 无法确认是否是卡坏了
Bluetooth, not sure the card is fully fuctional. - 有一个Type-C接口只能充电无法进行数据传输
One of the Type-C Port can only be used for charging, instead of data transfering; - 雷电3 无法工作
Thunderbolt 3 is not working - 读卡器 无法工作
SDcard reader is not working