Plugin to preview Markdown files in Notepad++
- lightweight plugin to preview markdown within Notepad++
- displaying rendered markdown html with embedded IE11
- can save rendered html to a file
My (UrsineRaven) changes to mohzy83's repo can be found in the version history below. The current version with my modifications ( can be found here
The current version is 0.5.0 it can be found here
Using Markdig v 0.16.0 by xoofx -
Using NotepadPlusPlusPluginPack.Net by kbilsted -
Using Markdown style github-markdown-css by sindresorhus -
Using portions of nea's MarkdownViewerPlusPlus Plugin code -
Using the Markdown icon by dcurtis -
- .NET 4.5 or higher
The plugin can be installed over the integrated Notepad++ "Plugin Admin..".
Create the folder "NppMarkdownPanel" in your Notepad++ plugin folder (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins") and extract the appropriate zip (x86 or x64) to it.
It should look like this:
After the installation you will find a small purple markdown icon in your toolbar. Just click it to show the markdown preview. Click again to hide the preview. Thats all you need to do ;)
To open the settings for this plugin: Plugins -> NppMarkdownPanel -> Edit Settings
This allows you to select a CSS file to use if you don't want the default style of the preview
This allows you to set the zoom level of the preview
This allows you ot select a file to save the rendered HTML to every time the preview is rendered. This is a way to automatically save the rendered content to use elsewhere. Leaving this empty disables the automatic saving.
Note: This is a global setting, so all previewed documents will save to the same file. -
Checking this box will enable the toolbar in the preview window. By default, this is unchecked.
- Clicking this button allows you to save the rendered preview as an HTML document.
Enabling this in the plugin's menu (Plugins -> NppMarkdownPanel) makes the preview panel stay in sync with the caret in the markdown document that is being edited.
This is similar to the Synchronize Vertical Scrolling option of Notepad++ for keeping two open editing panels scrolling together.
- add ability to save the preview to HTML document
- can automatically save every time it's rendered
- can show a toolbar on the preview panel to allow saving on button click
- add settings to settings window to allow:
- selecting the file for automatic saving
- enabling/disabling the preview panel toolbar
- added some basic validation for some of the fields
- updated
- added a section describing the Settings options
- added my changes to version history
- change zoomlevel for the preview in settings dialog
- change css file for the markdown style
- the new settings are persistent
- open settings dialog: Plugins-> NppMarkdownPanel -> Edit Settings
- switched from CommonMark.Net to markdig rendering library
- synchronize viewer with caret position
- Initial release
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details