Luapack is a package manager that utilizes Neovim's built in packaging system (see :h packages
for more information). It is intended for use with a primarily Lua configuration.
Before installing please read!! Luapack uses features from the latest neovim-nightly, it will not work if you are not on the latest build.
Using git:
Clone the repository into your preferred package directory under 'luapack/opt/luapack'
git clone \
These instructions are all in Lua, if you are doing this in your init.vim wrap the code in a :lua
" Add lua code here
First in your init.vim do
packadd luapack
This needs to be before any configuration that requires Luapack to be loaded
-- We use a global variable here so that we can re-use the same object throughout the configuration
Luapack = require('luapack')
Luapack.plugins = {
Call the appropriate function on the Luapack object that you defined
:lua Luapack.install()
:lua Luapack.update()
:lua Luapack.clean()