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Retrieve missing Readarr books from Library Genesis.


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BookBounty is a tool for finding missing Readarr books.

Run using docker-compose

    image: thewicklowwolf/bookbounty:latest
    container_name: bookbounty
      - 5000:5000
      - /path/to/config:/bookbounty/config
      - /path/to/downloads:/bookbounty/downloads
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
    restart: unless-stopped

Configuration via environment variables

Certain values can be set via environment variables:

  • PUID: The user ID to run the app with. Defaults to 1000.
  • PGID: The group ID to run the app with. Defaults to 1000.
  • readarr_address: The URL for Readarr. Defaults to
  • readarr_api_key: The API key for Readarr. Defaults to .
  • libgen_address: The URL for Library Genesis. The only supported URL at present is
  • sleep_interval: Interval to sleep between downloads (seconds). Defaults to 0.
  • sync_schedule: Scheduled hours to run e.g. 14 for 2pm (comma separated values in 24hr). Defaults to .
  • minimum_match_ratio: Minimum percentage for a match. Defaults to 90.
  • selected_path_type: Select Download Structure (file or folder). Defaults to file.
  • search_type: Select Search Type (fiction or non-fiction). Defaults to fiction.
  • library_scan_on_completion: Whether to scan Readarr Library on completion. Defaults to True.
  • request_timeout: Timeout for requests (seconds). Defaults to 120.
  • thread_limit: Max number of threads to use. Defaults to 1.
  • selected_language: Filter download by languages (specific languages or all). Defaults to English. This is used if BookBounty is unable to get the languages from the Readarr Metadata Profile.
  • preferred_extensions_fiction: Filter fiction download by extension (comma separated). Defaults to .epub, .mobi, .azw3, .djvu.
  • preferred_extensions_non_fiction: Filter non-fiction download by extension (comma separated). Defaults to .pdf .epub, .mobi, .azw3, .djvu.
  • search_last_name_only: Use only the author's last name in searches. Defaults to False.
  • search_shortened_title: Use shortened title when searching (remove everything after :). Defaults to False.

Sync Schedule

Use a comma-separated list of hours to start sync (e.g. 2, 20 will initiate a sync at 2 AM and 8 PM).

Note: There is a deadband of up to 10 minutes from the scheduled start time.

Readarr Integration

You have two choices to integrate BookBounty with Readarr:

  1. Directly map /bookbounty/downloads to your main Readarr folder and configure selected_path_type=folder.
    This method will attempt to create the correct folder structure (/author/book/filename.ext, etc.) before downloading files directly into their respective folders.

  2. Alternatively, map /bookbounty/downloads to an _unprocessed folder and set selected_path_type=file. This method downloads all files into a single folder. After a library scan in Readarr, some files may remain unmapped and require manual import.
    After importing, you can use the "Rename Files" function in Readarr to organize the files into the correct folders.

For both methods, setting library_scan_on_completion=True automates the import process in Readarr.

Note: Readarr does not automatically rename files upon import.

