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The Official DroidScript Documentation

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DocsPreview app for downloading the latest docs:

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  • docs: The latest generated documentation for the GitHub Pages preview
  • files: docs source files and generation scripts

The docs sources are written in a custom markup format. For legacy reasons those markup files will be converted into an intermediate JSON Format which will then be converted to the HTML docs you all know and love.

For Contributors:

To contribute to the Docs you need to have an active GitHub account. Sign up if you don't have one.

Fork the DroidScript Repository

To edit the Docs you need to 'fork' the DroidScript repository. The easiest way is to open up a new Codespace on the DroidScript repository.

Open Codespace Dialog

Make Changes

When the Codespace is open, navigate to the files/markup/en directory and make changes on any file you want to contribute. DroidScript has multiple scopes each having its own subdirectory with every possible method defined as markup.js file. Inside you can modify the description, subfunctions, parameters and more. Make sure to follow the markup format!

Commit Changes

When you finished your changes switch to the git tab on the left and descibe briefly what you have changed in the commit message field. The first line should describe what you did in general and each following line should include a more detailed list of your changes.
After that commit and synchronize your changes to GitHub with the green button below. If you just opened the Codespace on the DroidScript repository it will ask to create a fork.

Note: there is an ongoing Codespace bug that prevents you from committing to your fork. If that applies to you, open your workspace terminal and execute git push --set-upstream origin master

Commit Description Dialog

Create a Pull Request

When you are satisfied with your changes and want us to review your changes, go on to the GitHub tab on the left and hit the small 'Create Pull Request' Button that appears on the 'Pull Requests' dropdown menu. This will open a new 'Pull Request' tab where you can provide a description of your changes across all commits you made. You can also review all your commits and changed files. After that hit the green 'Create' button.

Pull Request Dialog

Check on your Pull Request

When a developer is satisfied with the request he will merge them into the DroidScript repository. If not he will leave a comment on your pull request so make sure to regulary check on it until it gets approved, and enable notifications.

Thank you for your contribution and support of!