This repository contains a simulation of the M/M/1/K queue model, a classic queuing theory concept commonly used in the analysis of computer systems and network performance. These simulations are designed to analyze the performance of these queues under different scenarios.
- FCFS Service Order
- Processor Sharing Service Order
- Discriminatory Processor Sharing Service Order
Evaluation Results for M/M/1/12 Queue with Exponential and Fixed Theta under different customer loads are available in the following files:
FCFS_K12_thetaExp_10M , FCFS_K12_thetaFixed_10M, FCFS_K12_thetaExp_300M , FCFS_K12_thetaFixed_300M
PS_K12_thetaExp_10M , PS_K12_thetaFixed_10M, PS_K12_thetaExp_100M , PS_K12_thetaFixedFixed_100M
DPS_K12_thetaExp_1M , DPS_K12_thetaFixed_1M, DPS_K12_thetaExp_10M
- Mor. Harchol-Balter, “Performance modeling and design of computer systems: queueing theory in action", Cambridge University Press, 2013.
- Krishna. Kant, "Introduction to computer system performance evaluation" International Edition, 1992.
If you have an issue or found a bug, please raise a GitHub issue here. Pull requests are also welcome.