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A magic plug-in that brings convenience to the use of TailwindCss | 给 TailwindCss 在使用上带来便利的魔法插件

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🌈 This vscode plug-in is to solve the inconvenience of the syntax of tailwindcss. It can bring you the ultimate development experience and development efficiency. If you use UnoCss, you can choose [Unot] (

In addition, if the third-party style you introduce is similar to tailwind syntax and there is a conflict, you may need to modify your current project to add prefix, and this plugin can detect whether prefix is added and automatically add it when saving.

Currently, this plugin has a paid plan. If you haven’t tried it yet, you can find me on discord and get a one-month free trial. ❓ Why is Tailwind Magic recommended

🎉 Advantages

  • You are not limited to using tailwindcss syntax in class or className, you can use it anywhere
  • Extremely free mapping and abbreviation, but it will be converted back to tailwind syntax to ensure that the final code is in line with tailwindcss syntax and can be semantic
  • It can automatically bring out the attributes that should be included, such as col -> flex flex-col, border#eee -> border-[#eee] border border-1, etc.
  • It can use all the simple syntax of UnoCss, even simpler, such as bg#fff -> bg-[#fff], and can also use hover:(text-red bg-blue) -> hover:text-red hover:bg-blue and other syntax

〽️ Suggestions

  • Use the latest version of vscode
  • If there is an abnormality after the automatic update, you can uninstall and reinstall it.
  • It is recommended to use it with totailwindcss, which can use the browser After copying the style, it directly outputs the syntax of tailwindcss to the corresponding position of the plug-in, and can hover the native css prompt the corresponding syntax of tailwindcss.


💰 Charge plan

  • Sponsor me by wechat or alipay, and I will give you more permissions and time to use your GitHub account
  • For users who haven't experienced it yet, you can find me on discord to get a one-month free experience qualification.
  • Current plan 15Yuan/month, 150Yuan/year
  • Any bug or suggestion on the plugin can be communicated on discord, or add me wx: simon_he95, pull you into the wx group

💪 Current processing type

  • calc
  • rgb[a]
  • px|rem|em|%|vw|vh
  • simple preset
  • w|h|gap|m|mt|mr|mb|ml|p|pt|pr|pb|pl|b|bt|br|bb|bl|lh|top|right|bottom|left
  • w1! -> !w-1
  • maxw10px -> max-w-[10px]
  • gapx10px -> gap-x-[10px]
  • translatex50% -> translate-x-[50%]
  • -translatex50% -> -translate-x-[50%]
  • text-[red,hover:pink,2xl,lg:hover:3xl] -> text-red hover:text-pink text-2xl lg:hover:text-3xl
  • flex-center -> flex justify-center items-center
  • col -> flex flex-col
  • eclipse -> text-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap overflow-hidden
  • pointer -> cursor-pointer
  • ma -> m-auto
  • text10rpx -> text-[length:10rpx]
  • hover:(text-red bg-blue) -> hover:text-red hover:bg-blue
  • >500px:w10px -> max-[500px]:w-[10px]
  • <500px:(w10px h20px) -> min-[500px]:w-[10px] min-[500px]:h-[20px]
  • whfull -> w-full h-full
  • url(./a.png) -> bg-[url(./a.png)]

When you enable aggressiveMode, you can get the following conversion

  "tc": "text-center",
  "ts": "text-start",
  "te": "text-end",
  "tr": "text-right",
  "tl": "text-left",
  "tj": "text-justify",
  "tw": "text-wrap",
  "fs": "flex-start",
  "fe": "flex-end",
  "fb": "flex-between",
  "fev": "flex-evenly",
  "fa": "flex-around",
  "xs": "x-start",
  "xe": "x-end",
  "ys": "y-start",
  "ye": "y-end",
  "xc": "x-center",
  "yc": "y-center"

When you enable attributifyMode

  • You no longer need to use - to splice, you can write bg#fff directly on the attribute, and it will be automatically converted to bg-[#fff] after saving - You no longer need to use - to splice, you You can write bg#fff directly on the attribute, and it will be automatically converted to bg-[#fff] after saving.

When you enable strictMode

  • You must use - to splice

When you enable variantGroup

  • You can convert hover:(text-red bg-blue) to hover:text-red hover:bg-blue

nitty gritty

  • flex-center -> flex justify-center items-center
  • col -> flex flex-col
  • pointer -> cursor-pointer
  • pointer-none -> cursor-none
  • >500px -> max-[500px]
  • <500px -> min-[500px]
  • Use x-center or y-center based on row or col
  • gridx4y4 -> grid-cols-4 grid-rows-4
  • bb#eee -> border-b-[#eee] border-b border
  • f400 -> font-400, f10px -> text-[10px]

Custom injection rules presets

tailwindMagic.presets supports custom injection rules. You can set the conversion rules you want as follows.

  ["Tnw", "text-no-wrap"]


  • tailwind-magic will convert the properties of custom components, such as block in some el-button, you can skip these conversions through skipMappings, the rules are as follows:
  "tailwindMagic.skipMappings": {
    "el-form": [
    "Form": [
    "el-table": [
    "Table": [
    "van-button": [


  • You can use config to control some matching rules, such as strict-splicing, or the generated calculation result is -[10px] or -10px
  • attributifyMode defaults true, turn on the ability to automatically convert tailwind attributes into class, just like the writing of attributify of unuchs, which automatically converts after saving.
  "properties": {
    "tailwindMagic.variantGroup": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "default": true,
      "description": "Enable/disable transform hover:(x1 x2) to hover:x1 hover:x2"
    "tailwindMagic.strictMode": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "default": false,
      "description": "if true bg#fff or bgrgba(0,0,0,.0) will transform bg-[#fff] or bg-[rgba(0,0,0,.0)]"
    "tailwindMagic.attributifyMode": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "default": true,
      "description": "if true the attribute bg#fff will transform class=\"bg-[#fff]\""
    "tailwindMagic.presets": {
      "type": "array",
      "default": [],
      "description": "set transform rules"
    "tailwindMagic.code": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "default": "",
      "description": "activation code"
    "tailwindMagic.aggressiveMode": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "default": false,
      "description": "After turning on aggressive mode, it will be more abbreviated, such as t1 -> top-1"

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