Location of checkpoint and bert config json file
This MLCommons members Google Drive location contains these files.
- TensorFlow checkpoint (tf1_ckpt) containing the pre-trained weights.
- Config file (bert_config.json) which specifies the hyperparameters of the model.
Checkpoint conversion
python convert_tf_checkpoint.py --tf_checkpoint <path/to/checkpointdir_phase1/model.ckpt-28252.index> --bert_config_path <path/to/checkpointdir_phase1/bert_config.json> --output_checkpoint model.ckpt-28252.pt
Download dataset and generate the TFRecords for training data and eval data
Convert training data and eval data from TFRecords to HDF5
TF_INPUT_DIR=<path/to/tfrecord_input_dir> HDF5_OUTPUT_DIR=<path/to/hdf5_output_dir> ./run_trans_tfrecord_to_hdf5.sh
4bins training data
We split dataset to enable data-load balacning and it can reduce communication overhead.
Based on the sequence length distribution, split HDF5 training data into 4 part:
part 1: 0 < sequence length <= 128
part 2: 128 < sequence length <= 256
part 3: 256 < sequence length <= 384
part 4: 384 < sequence length <= 512
The output_dir contains 4 sub-directories 128, 256, 384 and 512.
cd cleanup_scripts
python run_split_and_chop_hdf5_files.py --input_dir=<path/to/hdf5_datadir> --output_dir=<path/to/4bins_training_datadir>
- Create a virtualenv and install the required packages:
virtualenv venv -p python3.8.7
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Install mlperf-logging Python package
git clone https://github.com/mlperf/logging.git mlperf-logging
pip install -e mlperf-logging
# Install apex
git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex.git
cd apex
git reset --hard d06404fecab73f152c6cbb89ac2c2e9b7fc24124
git submodule update --init --recursive
git apply ../patch_for_mlperf_trining_v1.1_by_samsung.patch
pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" --global-option="--distributed_adam" --global-option="--distributed_lamb" --global-option="--bnp" --global-option="--xentropy" --global-option="--fast_layer_norm" --global-option="--deprecated_fused_adam" --global-option="--fmha" --global-option="--fast_multihead_attn" ./
# Compile mhalib
cd mhalib
python setup.py build
cp build/lib*/mhalib* ../
- Other software requirements
Softeware | Version |
python | 3.8.7 |
pytorch | 1.10.0a0 |
NCCL | 2.11.4 |
CUDA | 11.4.2 |
cudnn | |
cublas | |
nvidia driver | 470.103.01 |
mofed version | 5.4-1.0.3 |
- Set hosts address in run_multinode.sh
export hosts=('' '')
Launch the training
Use the following command to run the config_Samsung_Supercomputer21_DGXA100_128x8x16x1.sh in python virtual environment.
PYTHON=<path/to/python> DGXSYSTEM=Samsung_Supercomputer21_DGXA100_128x8x16x1 INPUT_DIR=<path/to/4bins_training_datadir> EVAL_DIR=<path/to/eval_datadir> CHECKPOINTDIR_PHASE1=<path/to/checkpointdir_phase1> NEXP=10 ./run_multinode.sh
Our source code is based on MLPerf BERT v0.7, and all the files newly added and modified are as follows.
File Name | Status | Description |
config_Samsung_Supercomputer21_DGXA100_128x8x16x1.sh | Newly added | The file contains configurations used for 1024 GPUs experiment. |
config_Samsung_Supercomputer21_DGXA100_171x8x12x1.sh | Newly added | The file contains configurations used for 1368 GPUs experiment. |
run_split_and_chop_hdf5_files.py | Newly added | The file is used for generating 4-bin training data. |
mhalib/setup.py | Modified | The file is modified since CUDA upgraded. |
optim/__init__.py | Newly added | The file is used as the entrance of "optim" module. |
optim/acclip.py | Newly added | The file implements ACClip optimizer for trial. |
optim/madgrad.py | Newly added | The file implements MADGRAD optimizer for trial. |
bind_launch.py | Newly added | The file is added for BERT training on python environment. |
bind_pyt.py | Modified | The file is modified for the following items. (1) Log compliance; (2) Add new NUMA binding. |
fmha.py | Newly added | The file is used for adding FMHA operator (refer to MLPerf v1.0). |
mlperf_logger.py | Modified | The file is modified for log compliance. |
modeling.py | Modified | The file is modified for adding FMHA (refer to MLPerf v1.0). |
padding.py | Modified | The file is modified for adding FMHA (refer to MLPerf v1.0). |
README.md | Modified | It is modified to run Samsung optimized implematation. |
requirements.txt | Modified | The file shows required software version. |
run_multinode.sh | Newly added | The file is startup script about how to run BERT training on python environment |
run_pretraining.py | Modified | The file is modified for the following items. (1) Load splitting training data; (2) Add exchange padding feature (refer to MLPerf v1.0); (3) Add NCCL warmup (refer to MLPerf v1.0); (4) Add SAIT local/group exchange padding; (5) Add NCCL warmup for group exchange padding; (6) Add per-device local gradient clipping before all-reduce; (7) Add pytorch DDP. |
schedulers.py | Modified | The file is modified for optimizing learning rate scheduler |
utils.py | Modified | The file is modified for the following items. (1) Add get_optimzer() interface; (2) Add a batch sampler (SplitRandomSampler) for 4-bin splitting training data. |